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Farhan sat at his desk, thinking about what he'd heard moments earlier. He ran his hands through his hair. The sun was beginning to set, leaving crimson waves across his office walls. Farhan looked at the file in front of him for his new client. He sighed, flipping through the forms. His thoughts were interrupted by a light knock at the door. He looked up.


Myra stuck her head inside the office, "There's a call waiting for you on line one, it's Mr. Choi's secretary."

Farhan nodded as she closed the door.

"Hello?" Farhan answered.

"Hey Farhan, it's Secretary Lee, can you tell me what happened?" His voice sounded alarmed.

"What are you talking about?" Farhan asked puzzled.

"Between you and Mr. Choi, he's asked me to draft a breach of contract against you."

The world around Farhan stood still. His mind couldn't process what Secretary Lee was telling him. "Wait, a what?"

"A breach of contract agreement, it entails that someone didn't keep up their end of the agreement."

Farhan was puzzled. "Like who, me?"

"I would assume since he's drafting it against your organization, he wants it completed immediately."

"Let me call you back," Farhan hung up the phone. He immediately dialed Sang Woo's cell phone.

"Hello," Sang Woo's said dryly.

"What's this breach of contract shit about huh?" Farhan screamed into the phone.

"Secretary Lee should've explained it to you."

"No, you explain it to me, what is this about?" Farhan was shaking from a multitude of emotions coursing his body.

"Why don't you ask your ex?"

"My ex? What does he have to do with this? Is it because of what happened earlier?"

"You tell me, Mr. Ajam. What happened earlier?"

"Look... Mohammed..."

"I will be pulling up to your office shortly, we should discuss business in person." Sang Woo disconnected the call, leaving unanswered questions swimming through Farhan's head.

Why was Sang Woo acting like this?

2 hours earlier

Farhan sat on the business call with the prospective new client. He rolled his eyes as time ticked away.

"So how are you different from any other company that I've spoken to?" The man said in a snotty voice. He'd been talking down to Farhan the entire call, making Farhan want to hang up on him.

"Well, Mr. Kirkpatrick, we have strong confidentiality agreements and are known by many managers and directors as having the most professional and discreet staff around. We treat our employees fairly and most of them are well-educated, that can be said about the escort services you've mentioned a few times." Farhan's tone was snappy, he just wanted that call to end.

"I will have to go to my manager and get his approval of the contract you sent over. He's a very busy man otherwise he would be on this call. Once we look at pricing and your services, I will be in contact."

"That sounds great, I look forward to hearing from your manager." Farhan smiled.

They disconnected the call. Farhan sighed loudly. He'd been on the call for over an hour and was drained.

Farhan heard a soft knock at the door.

"What is it Myra?"

The door opened, exposing Mohammed's smug face.

"What are you doing here?" Farhan yelled jumping up on his feet.

Mohammed put up his hands defensively. "Whoa, calm down, I have official business."

Mohammed cautiously stepped into the office as Farhan stared daggers at him. He had a folder in one of his hands.

"Fine, you have a few minutes," Farhan said sitting back down. Mohammed sauntered over to the chair across from Farhan and placed the folder on the table.

"So how have you been? I haven't had a chance to talk to you with your fiancé around."

"Is this what your official business entails? If so, I think you should leave." Farhan positioned his hand towards to door.

"Just trying to make small talk with you." Mohammed flashed a charismatic smile. He still had that rough charm.

"Time is running out Mr. Patel," Farhan said looking at the watch on his wall.

"Ok, I'll get straight to it. A very prestigious client of mine wants my firm to send certain... information to a few tabloids. Luckily I intercepted and wanted your opinion on which to choose."

Mohammed opened the folder and pulled out two sheets of paper. He handed them to Farhan who looked the over. The color drained from Farhan's face.

The first article was titled, "Contract for Love: CEO's attempt to con his father out of fortune." The article mentioned Sang Woo's name specifically. Farhan began sweating.

The second article's content was even worse. "Counterfeit Fiancé: Escort swindles CEO into marriage scam." The second article stated that Farhan was using Sang Woo for his money. The article even called him an escort and stated that his business was a cover for a prostitution ring. Though the article was full of lies there was enough false accusations to tarnish Farhan and his company's image. However, the first article would ruin Sang Woo's reputation and could negatively impact his company. Farhan stared at the two articles, torn at what to do next.

"Why did you show these to me?"

"I wanted to give you a chance to choose, yourself or your fiancé." Mohammed had a smirk on his face. This was the type of person Mohammed was.

Farhan suddenly felt nauseous, and the feeling was getting stronger each second.

"One second," Farhan ran from his office and bolted to a nearby bathroom. As he ran, he could hear Myra calling behind him. His stomach was in knots. Farhan released the contents of his stomach into the toilet but even after heaving for several minutes, it offered no release.

His chest was still heavy. This was insane. If either of those articles were released by a marketing firm as powerful as Mohammed's, one of them would be completely ruined. . He held two futures in his hands, Sang Woo's and his own.

Farhan sat on the bathroom floor, his back resting against the stall's wall. His mind kept going back and forth between what would the best option be. If he begged Mohammed enough, he might change his mind. But everything came with a price with Mohammed.

At that moment Farhan's mind drifted back to Sang Woo's allergic reaction. How fragile he looked, their hands intertwined as they waited for help to come. How much he felt he wanted to protect Sang Woo, how worried he was. The amount of dread he felt that day was far worse than the weight on his heart now.

Farhan pushed himself off the floor, finally having made up his mind.

He had to protect Sang Woo.

The CEO's Counterfeit Fiancé (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now