The Fight

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Sang Woo looked at him. "I agree." He said sitting adjacent to Farhan.

Farhan huffed. "Per clause 34 of the contract, you are not to engage in any behaviors that would jeopardize this arrangement, what was all that back at the hospital?"

Sang Woo rolled his eyes. "All what? Ms. Aman and I aren't involved in that way. I am not sure where you're getting these wild accusations..."

"Wild accusations? I saw it with my own eyes. If you two were the only ones in the room, there's no question what would've happened." Farhan's voice raised. His hands were shaking as anger pulsed through him.

"Do not yell at me, I am not a child," Sang Woo exclaimed, meeting Farhan's tone. The tension in the air thickened as they eyed each other.

Farhan broke his gaze and cleared his throat. "If something like this happens again, I will be forced to charge you a penalty. There's too much on the line for you to be this careless." He stood.

"Careless? So, having a heartfelt reunion with some man in the hospital lobby with your sick fiancé upstairs isn't careless?" Sang Woo stood as well.

"Don't try to turn this around on me," Farhan pushed passed Sang Woo.

Sang Woo grabbed Farhan's arm. Farhan froze. "Don't forget, I pay you. You work for me."

Sang Woo's words hit Farhan's ears like venom. They seared through his anger like a hurtful wound. Farhan pulled away from Sang Woo and turned to face him.

"Was it in my job description to pick you up off that bathroom floor? Was it my responsibility to administer your Epi-Pen? Was it okay that I stayed with you until help came? Was it my duty to worry about you, you piece of shit!" Farhan yelled. His face was red.

Sang Woo's eyes were agape, and his face was void of any emotion. It was the first time Farhan had seen Sang Woo wear this expression.

Farhan exhaled. "It's getting kinda late sir, I am going to retire for the night, if that's okay."


Farhan turned around and walked to his room before Sang Woo could muster a word. Once in his room he pressed his back against the door and slid to the floor. All the emotions running through him weakened him. He didn't know what to feel, anger, hurt, jealousy. Everything ran through him all at once.


Farhan opened his eyes; the sun was beaming through his bedroom curtains. He turned to look at the clock on his nightstand, it was already 7 a.m. Usually he would've awakened by now to see Sang Woo off to work but he was still upset from their exchange the night prior.

Farhan sat up and grabbed his phone. He could faintly smell breakfast being made in the kitchen. This signified that Sang Woo had already left. Farhan jumped out the bed and left the room. The smell was a great addition to his day as he hadn't eaten anything since before making curry for Sang Woo.

Farhan looked in the kitchen and noticed it wasn't Mrs. Peem, the usual chef cooking but a man. His back was broad, and he had a tattoo on his right forearm. He was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.

Farhan walked to the counter, "Are you new?" he asked.

The man turned around and Farhan's face flushed, it was Sang Woo.

"Good morning," he said stirring a bowl of eggs. He wore a black t-shirt and jeans with a red apron. This was the first time Farhan had seen him dressed informally.

"Sang... what are you doing?" Farhan asked shocked.

"I'm making breakfast," he said with a stoic face.

He was still mad at Sang Woo, no matter how handsome he looked right now.

"I know that, why aren't you at work?"

"I had an allergic reaction yesterday, I need time to be nursed back to health," Sang Woo turned around and poured the eggs in the hot pan. "I hope you like omelets, it's the only thing I know how to make." Sang Woo said, his voice serenaded by the sound of sizzling eggs.

"Omelets are fine." Farhan sat down at the counter. "What are you planning on doing today?"

"I don't know, possibly catch up on things here." Sang Woo said.

Farhan huffed. "That's no fun."

"Well life isn't fun, "Sang Woo said pouring in additional ingredients. 

"How about we go out today? Do something fun together, unless I'm not allowed to have fun, sir." Farhan said bitterly.

Sang Woo exhaled. "Sorry about that last night, I was just angry."

"An angry man is an honest man, right?"

"What I said wasn't true at all." Sang Woo turned around to face Farhan. "I'm sorry."

Farhan's face flushed red. "It's okay."

Sang Woo smiled briefly and turned back around.

"I know a way you can make it up to me," Farhan smiled cunningly.


"You can take me on a proper date."


Sorry for delay in posting! I have had a lot going on.  Are you excited about the next chapter? Will Farhan get his proper date? Thanks for reading :)

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