The Ex- Factor

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"Hey how have you been?" Mohammed said coming up to Farhan and enveloping him in a tight hug. His cologne wafted through Farhan's senses. That smell had always been his favorite.

Farhan pulled away from their embrace. "I'm amazing," he said, smiling.

"Congratulations on your engagement." The smile faded from Mohammed's face.

"Thank you," Farhan said averting his eyes.

"So, it's been a while since I last saw you. Why don't we go and grab a coffee nearby?" Mohammed blinked softly at him and flashed a charismatic smile.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not? " Mohammed shifted his stance, seeming taller.

Farhan shrugged. "I just don't think it's a good idea. Let's leave it at that. I have to go."

Farhan turned around to leave, where his eyes met Sang Woo's.

Sang Woo was no longer in his hospital gown, now dressed in a crisp black pinstripe. Farhan froze. Farhan stared at Sang Woo, for once clueless on what he was thinking.

Time seemed to freeze for a while as silence ticked by.

Sang Woo smiled and began walking towards them. He stopped just in front a few feet from Mohammed and Farhan. Farhan took a step away from Mohammed.

Mohammed turned towards Sang Woo and extended his hand. "I'm Mohammed Patel and who may you be?" he said. Farhan started at him in awe. Mohammed was a businessman at heart and always knew of the big players in JeYong. The idea of him not knowing Sang Woo's identity was laughable.

"Choi Sang Woo, nice to meet you Mr. Patel." Sang Woo kept his face stern and shook Mohammed's hand. "I see you know my fiancé."

Though the men were comparable in size, Sang Woo was unmatched in charisma. His smile shone bright in Farhan's eyes. Sang Woo laid his hand on Farhan's shoulder, pulling him close to his side. Farhan's body fit perfectly against him. Farhan could see Mohammed eyeing their exchange.

"Oh, yes, I was just giving Farhan my utmost congratulations on the engagement." Mohammed gazed at Farhan when he spoke.

"Thank you, it means a lot coming from friends." Sang Woo removed his arm and grabbed Farhan's hand. "Now, if you excuse us, we're going home."

Sang Woo began walking away, Farhan following behind him. Sang Woo signaled a nearby taxi. Farhan and Sang Woo got into the vehicle and it drove off.

Sang Woo let go of Farhan's hand and laid it in his lap. "Who was that?" he asked peering out the window.

"It doesn't matter." Farhan said. Though the exchange between Mohammed and Sang Woo was awkward, Farhan had not forgotten about the looks and glances shared between Sang Woo and Issa. His blood was still boiling.

Sang Woo nodded. The rest of the ride was silent. Farhan watched as the silhouette of city changed from the dark homes of the city's edge to the fluorescent lights of downtown. He could see the taxi driver throwing glances at them in the rearview mirror, further annoying him. Condo Skyrises came into view as they neared home.

The taxi stopped in front of their building. Farhan jumped out and immediately began walking into the building, leaving Sang Woo behind.

Farhan walked into the condo and immediately sat on the couch. His heart was beating like crazy and nothing seemed to slow it down. He had to relax. He needed to have a professional talk with Sang Woo, but all his thoughts were bombarded with emotion. Sang Woo walked into the condo and was met with Farhan's deathly gaze.

"What?" he asked walking towards the living room, removing his tie.

"We need to talk," he said staring straight ahead. 

Sorry for the hiatus, I was travelling and suffering from extreme jet lag. Here's the next chapter, short and sweet. Working on the next chapter this weekend so I can get back in the groove and update more regularly. Thanks for reading!

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