He Lied

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Author's Note: Before I begin this chapter I have to say, don't hate me too much. It'll all push the plot along. Let me know how you feel after reading this chapter :(

Mohammed smirked.

Everything about him made Sang Woo's skin burn. Mohammed stepped back and put his hands up defeated.

"Ok, I'm going to get going." Mohammed grabbed his jacket and iced coffee and left the office. He threw a glance at Farhan before he left. Sang Woo didn't catch the look in his eye, but he knew the guy was bad news.

"Wow, you are strong man," Lonny said in her raspy Russian accent.

Farhan laughed. The awkwardness slowly dissipated from the air and the usual demeanor of the office returned.

"I have some work to do so I'm..." Farhan said looking at Sang Woo.

"Oh, please," Sang Woo said excusing himself and taking a seat near an empty desk. Farhan disappeared behind the closed office door. As he retreated Sang Woo could see his cheeks were tinged red. It was cute, nonetheless.

Sang Woo shook the thought from his head. If what Farhan said was true, he wasn't in his right mind. It must be left over delirium from his allergic episode last night. Though Sang Woo didn't believe it himself he wanted to be sure. His mind was reeling from the sudden emotions that flowed through him in that one single moment.

Why had he kissed Farhan? Where did these foreign emotions come from? Was it because he saved him the day before?

Sang Woo wasn't a stranger to dating men; he'd had a few boyfriends in college. The issue was that Farhan was nothing like his exes. He was loud, opinionated, money hungry, and short.

If he'd seen Farhan at a club, he wouldn't have approached him, but here he was making claim over him to a stranger. This wasn't anything Sang Woo had ever done before.

What had the kiss done to him? Better yet, what had Farhan done to him?

Sang Woo looked at his phone. He'd had several emails from employees and clients trying to set up meetings and reminders for galas and such. They would have to attend these events in the upcoming weeks. Sang Woo scoffed. The worst part about being the CEO was the countless events he had to attend on a monthly basis. That coupled with the director's meetings, employee meetings, and client briefs, he wouldn't have any time to spend with Farhan.

With himself... time to spend with himself. Sang Woo shook his head again. What was wrong with him?

Farhan stuck his head out of the office. "Hey, you don't have to wait for me; I have a client brief happening in a bit, you can go back home." Farhan smiled warmly at Sang Woo.

"I can wait," Sang Woo said looking up from his phone.

"No, it'll take a while. Go home first."

Sang Woo nodded in agreement and stood up. "I will pick you up once it's done. Call me."

Farhan nodded. Unlike his usual self of calling him Swooney or making some snide comment, Farhan just retreated to his office.

Sang Woo felt a small knot in his stomach. Sang Woo got in his car and drove home. Though he yearned for freedom from his hectic business life, he was a boring person, never indulging in city life. Besides work and meetings, he was at home. The picnic with Farhan was the first time he'd been out on his own time in a long time.

Sang Woo parked his car in the structure and walked to his condominium. He looked around the empty apartment, it was void of any life. He didn't know how he'd lived there so long by himself. He sat on the couch and browsed the internet on his phone. He watched videos, read articles and even looked at business news regarding stocks and such.

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