Just One of the Boys

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Sang Woo paced up and down the hallway waiting for Farhan to be ready. He glanced at his phone. It was almost 6:00.

"Hey, hurry up, we're running late," he yelled to the closed door.

"Almost done," Farhan yelled back.

Sang Woo huffed and continued pacing. Sang Woo was never considered to be an impatient man, he just hated being late for anything. Though it was a simple dinner with friends, it was just as important to him than a business meeting.

The bedroom door opened and Farhan emerged. Much to Sang Woo's surprise, he was dressed in a nice black T-shirt and jeans.

"Alright, let's go," Sang Woo said walking down the stairs.

"Wait," Farhan said. He went back into the bedroom and came out with a large fluffy red boa. "Now, I'm ready," Farhan wrapped the boa around his neck.

"No," Sang Woo said pointing an accusatory finger at him. "Put that back, you're not wearing that."

Fahan pouted. "But it completes the outfit," he said striking a pose.

Sang Woo shook his head. There was no way Farhan would embarrass him by stepping foot in front of his friends with a red boa.

Farhan scoffed before running back into the room and emerging without his exuberant accessory. They left with haste.

Sang Woo's car pulled up to the restaurant, a small seafood bistro near the sea. Sang Woo took Farhan's hand in his and walked into the establishment. He knew his friends had booked a private room under his friend's name. He walked up to the hostess station, where a young lady in a red button up stood.

"Hello, do you have a reservation?" She said typing into a tablet.

"Yes, we have a private room booked under Lee Jo Min," Sang Woo said.

The hostess continued typing on her tablet before motioning them to follow her.

"Who are we meeting?" Farhan asked.

"A few of my friends," Sang Woo said as he walked to keep up with the fast pacing worker.

"Here's your room," she finally said motioning towards a door.

"Thank you," Sang Woo opened the door and was met with a thunderous welcome.

"Hey, it's Sang Woo," his friends roared.

Sang Woo chuckled. All his friends were dressed in business suits, as expected since most of them came straight from work.

"Well he returns," Lee Seung Jo stated as he stood to embrace Sang Woo. Seung Jo stood slightly shorter than Sang Woo. He was the first of Sang Woo's friends to be appointed CEO of his father's shipping company. He and Sang Woo had been friends since they were children.

"It's good to see you too," Sang Woo said as he let go of him.

"And this must be your handsome husband," Seung Jo said looking at Farhan.

"Nice to meet you," Farhan said as he curtsied.

Seung Jo chuckled. "Well, isn't he polite."

"The old player is finally settling down I see," Kim Min Ho said from his seat at the table. He wore a smug expression on his face, per usual. Min Ho and Sang Woo also grew up together. However, he wasn't Sang Woo's favorite companion as he'd always been jealous of Sang Woo since his father's business endeavors went bankrupt nearly 10 years ago.

"Nice to see you, Min Ho," Sang Woo said lowly.

"There's no need to lie among friends, right Sang Woo?" Min Ho said wrapping his arm around the woman next to him. "Oh, this is my girlfriend Vanessa," he said hugging her close.

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