The Hospital

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The air between Farhan and Issa was tense. She stared at her phone intently, immersed in her game and Farhan's mind reeled with concern. How had she known about their arrangement? Had Sang Woo told her to begin wooing her? Nothing made sense. The seconds turned to minutes as Farhan waited for any sign from doctors that Sang Woo would be fine.

"Mr. Ajam," Farhan heard someone call. He looked to see Secretary Lee running towards him. Following behind him was Sang Woo's parents, Bo Hye and Gong Bin, and his sister, Ji Hye. Secretary Lee was standing in front of Farhan in a matter of moments.

"How is he? Any word?" Secretary Lee asked through exasperated gasps for air. Sang Woo's parents' faces were etched with concern as they awaited Farhan's response.

Farhan shook his head but before he could verbalize a response, Issa cut in.

"No, we haven't heard anything," Issa said to the secretary, tears staining her face. Just moments earlier she was staring emotionless at her phone and the next there's a waterfall of tears coming down her cheeks. What the hell was up with this woman?

"It's okay Ms. Aman, I am sure he'll be fine," Secretary Lee assured her.

She sniffled and nodded her head. "I really hope so, I am so stupid, why didn't..." stifled sobs escaped her lips. Farhan had to give her credit, this was quite a performance. She deserved a Golden Horse award for this act. Secretary Lee handed her a handkerchief.

"Thank you," she said in a feeble voice, attempting to rid her face of evidence of her "anguish."

"It's not your fault dear, don't be so hard on yourself," Sang Woo's mother said to the cowering woman. She then turned to Farhan. "Thank you for coming when you did, our son is lucky to have you in his life."

"No need to say that, mama, it's my responsibility," Farhan said. Though he was facing Sang Woo's mom, his words were aimed at Issa.

"And you really take it seriously, only a few months engaged, and you've already saved his life, this was a match made in heaven." Sang Woo's father chimed in. His mother and sister nodded at one another.

"Choi Sang Woo?" A doctor called from behind the reception desk. Farhan and Sang Woo's family hurried towards him.

"I am his father," Gong Bin announced.

"Hello, I am Dr. Fitzpatrick. Mr. Choi is stable, there weren't any noticeable adverse effects, but we'll keep him here for observation." The doctor jotted something down on a chart in front of him.

"When can we see him?" Farhan asked.

"He's awake now, you can see him if you like." The doctor smiled, handed the chart to a nearby attendant and walked away.

"He's in room Suite 15," the attendant said taking the chart and walking away as well.

"Thank you," Bo Hye said before they all walked towards the exam rooms. They walked through the quiet corridors.

The exam room doors, unlike the regular area, were large and made of cherry wood. It was nothing like the exam rooms he'd used during his seldom visits to the emergency room. They walked until Suite 15 came into view. Farhan quickened his pace. Though the doctor had given Sang Woo a great bill of health, he had to see for himself. The image of Sang Woo lying on the floor gasping for air wouldn't leave his mind. Maybe seeing Sang Woo would give him peace.

The door opened. Sang Woo was standing near a small window in his room. He was wearing an unflattering hospital gown.

"You're already walking?" His sister asked, her voice dripping with disappointment.

"Yeah, what did you expect? Me to become a vegetable?" Sang Woo bickered.

"He seems to be alright," his father said followed by a hearty laugh.

"You scared us quite a bit Mr. Choi," Secretary Lee said appearing on the verge of tears.

"I'm fine, thanks to my... Farhan." Sang Woo smiled at Farhan and looked away.

Farhan's heart rate quickened.

"Well we're really glad you're okay," Issa said. Everyone jumped as they looked to the back of the group.

"Oh, Ms. Aman, we didn't see you there," Sang Woo's mom said.

"It's fine," Issa chuckled.

"Thank you Issa and I'm sorry I ruined our meeting. I hope this doesn't deter our contract." Sang Woo said looking at Issa.

"Not at all," she threw him a sultry smile.

"Perfect," Sang Woo smiled back. They maintained eye contact moments too long before the trance was broken.

"So, Sang Woo, I am assuming you didn't get to try Farhan's curry? It was to die for!" Ji Hye exclaimed, her eyes darting between Sang Woo and Issa.

Sang Woo looked at Farhan and smiled. "I'm sure it was."

The room fell into an awkward silence.

"Well, I am glad you're okay Mr. Choi, I should head off," Issa said, her voice breaking the silence.

"Oh yes, thank you for coming Ms. Aman." Sang Woo's father said shaking her hand.

"It was my pleasure sir," she smiled back at him, exposing her white teeth.

Issa walked towards Sang Woo, her hips swaying elegantly side to side. Any heterosexual man would be mesmerized by how she moved, but Farhan was repulsed. His once beloved idol was just as plastic as all the other celebrities out there.

She walked up to Sang Woo and extended her hand. "Until next time, Mr. Choi," she said enunciating Sang Woo's last name particularly.

Sang Woo shook her hand. As Sang Woo and Issa exchanged glances, Farhan saw Sang Woo's mother glance at him through his peripheral vision.

Issa turned and left the room. Farhan and Sang Woo's family stood dumbfounded. His mother's mouth opened but she said nothing.

"Well honey, I think it's time we be off," Sang Woo's father said.

"I agree, we should leave the love birds alone," Ji Hye said, leading her parents out.

"If you need anything, please call me," Secretary Lee stated before he followed Sang Woo's family.

Secretary Lee closed the door behind them, Farhan and Sang Woo remained in the room, only silence between them.

"So..." Sang Woo began.

Farhan scoffed.

"Is something wrong?" Sang Woo's brows furrowed.

"I'm glad your condition has improved. So much so that you could flirt with your girlfriend."

"What are you talking..."

"Don't play stupid, we all saw you fraternizing over there like two love birds. According to the contract, I could charge you a penalty fee but..." Farhan's heart was beating quickly, and he was getting more emotional than a businessman should be.

"Farhan, I didn't mean to offend..."

"I am going to leave, I'm glad you're okay." Farhan turned away and opened the room door. "By the way, you're welcome, you selfish prick," Farhan left the room, slamming the door behind him. His legs taking him further and further away from Sang Woo's hospital room, though his mind was reeling.

Farhan stopped once he was outside the hospital doors, the cool evening breeze caressing his reddened face.

Farhan was always a man who put professionalism before all else, how did this happen? How could he feel this way about his client?

Farhan was pulled from his thoughts by a deep, yet familiar voice, "Farhan?"

Farhan turned around, coming face to face with Mohammed Patel, his ex-boyfriend. The air around him stood still. 

Author Notes:

So we have another man entering the picture. Will post a picture of Farhan's ex in the next chapter. Also, Issa's declaring war against Farhan, this should be interesting. I hope you enjoyed the read :) 

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