The Confession

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"Hello," Farhan said into the receiver.

"Yeah," Sang Woo's tone was cold and low. "Why are you calling me?"

"I am at this restaurant with your sister and..."

"You're with Ji Hye?"

"Yes, she invited me out and..."

"Why didn't you decline?" Sang Woo was yelling.

"Why are you mad at me? This is your fault!"

"How is it my fault? I didn't tell her to call you."

"You should've told your family we broke up." Farhan was yelling now. "This is not my responsibility."

"Then leave! Why are you calling me?"

"You're such an asshole Sang Woo, you really are."

"What do you want me to do Mr. Ajam?" Sang Woo's voice came through the receiver barely above a whisper.

"We're at the Melrose Garden Bistro, you have ten minutes to get here." Farhan disconnected the call.

He walked back out to the dining room and found Ji Hye taking selfies.

"Hey, you're finally back!" she said, her eyes bright and large.

Farhan took his seat. "Of course, you thought I got lost in the toilet?" He flashed a fake smile at her.

Ji Hye began rambling about the picture resolution on her phone. Angst built in Farhan's chest. It was only a matter of time before a more serious topic presented itself.

Farhan jumped as the waiter placed his salad in front of him. "Sorry, sir," the waiter said.

"It's fine." Farhan smiled awkwardly.

Ji Hye eyed her food. "This looks amazing!" She said taking out her phone and snapping some pictures.

Farhan looked towards the door. He really needed Sang Woo to arrive before Ji Hye started asking questions. Farhan didn't want to be the person to tell her that they were no longer "a couple" but he would if it came down to it.

Ji Hye put down her phone and began eating.

"So how are things with my brother?" She asked.

Farhan's eyes widened. "Uh, work per usual?"

Ji Hye's eyebrows hitched. "You don't know?" She chuckled.

"No, not really..." Farhan scrambled his brain for an answer, "haven't seen him much lately."

Ji Hye chuckled, "what else is new?"

Farhan sighed. He used to be a better liar than this. Why was he so anxious? He looked at the door again, no Sang Woo. The ten minutes was up. Maybe Sang Woo called his bluff. He was growing frustrated.

"So, anything interesting happening with you?" She took another fork-full of her salad.

"No, nothing, you?"

"Just finishing up with school and hoping to go to the islands for a getaway with friends in a few weeks." Her face lit up.

"That's great, really great," Farhan chuckled.

Ji Hye looked down at Farhan's salad. "Not hungry?"

Farhan looked down at his salad and realized he'd been picking at it with his fork for several minutes.

"No, just eating slowly so we have as much time to catch up as possible," Farhan said.

Ji Hye's eyes widened. "You're so sweet!" She chuckled softly. "I knew right away we'd be good friends. You're a great match for my brother too. He seems so happy to be with you."

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