Come Home

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Farhan stared into Sang Woo's intense eyes. He could get lost in Sang Woo's gaze for hours. A myriad of emotion crossed Sang Woo's face.

Farhan pushed Sang Woo away. "What does all that shit matter?" Farhan shouted, thinking back to the article.

"What do you mean, 'all that shit?'" Sang Woo grabbed Farhan's shoulders, attempting to meet his eyes but Farhan's head lowered.

Farhan pushed Sang Woo again. "I think I should go, just tell your family that we broke up, please." Farhan turned to walk away. Sang Woo grabbed his wrist, squeezing just tight enough to keep him in place.

"Farhan just talk to me..."

"I don't like you!" Farhan yelled. He could feel Sang Woo's grasp loosen.


Farhan turned around to face Sang Woo. "I was happy our contract ended." The lie burned Farhan's tongue like acid but he knew it had to be said, for Sang Woo's sake.

"You... you were unhappy with me?" Sang Woo's voice cracked.

Farhan couldn't look at him, his eyes remained on the floor. "Yes."

Sang Woo inhaled sharply. "Where is all this coming from?"

"I've felt this way the whole time, you were just too self-absorbed to see it."

"No..." Sang Woo's eyes narrowed. "You're hiding something from me. This isn't like you, Farhan."

"Everything you know about me is through a paycheck."

Sang Woo recoiled as if he'd been punched.

Farhan turned and left the office quickly.

Farhan just wanted to get as far away from that condominium as possible. The burning sensation in his legs prompted him to stop momentarily. He was outside the large skyrise.

Farhan looked up at the large building. In a few hours, days, or weeks the whole country would curse him. Anyone near Farhan could fall victim to the brunt of the tabloids. Farhan could handle it but Sang Woo was a public figure. He was a celebrity in the finance and business conglomerate industries. How could Farhan watch him suffer and stand idly by knowing it was his own fault?

It's better this way, Farhan thought.

He began walking. He didn't have a destination in mind, but anywhere away from this building, this street, and this district would suffice. He pulled out his phone. He had two missed calls from Myra. He sighed and hit redial.

"Hey, what took you so long to answer your damn phone!" she screamed.

"I had a meeting, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Check your email! An article has been posted. Call me back when you've read it." The call disconnected.

Farhan's heart dropped. His palms immediately became sweaty as he fumbled with his cellphone. Farhan located the email Myra had sent him and clicked on the link.

The article was titled "Famous Marketing Firm Accepted Defamation Bribes." Farhan stared at the article for a moment confused as to why Myra wanted him to read it.

He skimmed the contents of the article which mentioned the names of many celebrities who'd paid a marketing firm to release solicitous articles and information about other people. Among the celebrities mentioned was Issa Aman. Farhan's mouth dropped when he read the line: "taking immediate action the firm has fired their Marketing Director, Mohammed Patel along with other managers throughout the organization."

He thought back to the articles that Mohammed had brought to him that day. Farhan assumed that Mohammed was blackmailing him out of jealousy but the idea that someone paid his firm to take such action was sickening and surprising.

He immediately called Myra back.

"Is this true, Mohammed's firm was doing this?"

"Yes! That's what the article said. Also, I read somewhere that Issa Aman had used them several times to get rid of possible rivals in her career and love life." Myra tsked.

Farhan wanted to say he was surprised but that would be a lie. Issa was more than capable of doing something like that, considering how attached she was to Sang Woo, an engaged gay man.

"Were there other articles containing Sang Woo or... me?"

"You? Why would there be..." Myra was quiet. "Is this about Mohammed? Did that bastard threaten to do something?"

Farhan could always count on Myra to put the pieces of the situation together quickly.

"He threatened to out the contract to everyone." Farhan admitted.

"That son of a bitch, I told you I never liked him. How dare he waltz his ass into our office and threaten you?! I'm gonna kill him!" She screamed into the phone.

Great, now she's worked up.

"Hey Myra, let's focus," Farhan said trying to calm her down.

"I am calm, I just hate that bastard. He treated you like shit your entire relationship and has the audacity to ruin your love life? Am I the only one who's upset about this?"

Farhan always appreciated Myra's protective nature over him, even when she got on his nerves.

"No, I am upset, I am just curious how this story broke. The timing is..."

Farhan heard Myra sigh into the phone. "Yeah, it's a bit suspicious. And I've never heard of the company that released the article either."

Farhan stopped walking. "Look into it."

"One second," Myra said. He could hear her typing. "What if it's a gossip rag disguised as real news?"

"I guess but seeing how Mohammed threatened to release an article about me and Sang Woo, it has to be true."

"Hold on, what's the name of Sang Woo's company?"

"M.P Financial group, why?"

"Omo, M.P Financial Group is the parent company of Business News First. According to the website they acquired the news agency four days ago."

Farhan froze. "So that means..."

"So, Sang Woo's company bought a news company and released an article negatively impacting your love rival." Myra said in a suggestive tone.

"It's probably a coincidence, there's no way Sang Woo would know about..."

"Why wouldn't he? He's one of the most powerful businessmen in the finance industry. He can know anything! The question is what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"The man bought another company to ensure your ex-asshole of a boyfriend didn't ruin you. You better go after him!"

Before Farhan could respond to her his phone vibrated. Sang Woo texted him.

Sang Woo: I'm assuming you've seen the article that's just been released.

Farhan texted back: Yes. I just read it. I know it was you.

Sang Woo: Then come home.

Sorry for the super late update, it's been crazy with moving and switching teams at work. Here's the next chapter. Sang Woo was so suave wasn't he? What's going to happen next chapter? 

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