My Name Is Ozymandias: We'll Meet Again

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(Song: Afterlife - Echos)

Mason drew his last breath, his family at his side and his son sobbing as he clung to his wrinkled old hand. He knew everything would be okay, even if he had to leave his growing family behind.... he was finally on his way to see Will again.

As the waiting room formed in front of his eyes, the weight of his earthly ties finally gone, he realized someone was watching him. The Axolotl stood in front of him, a smile on his face and a little triangle in his arms, "Mason Gleeful, welcome to the waiting room, the place between life and death. We've been waiting for you" he said, looking down at the gray triangle, still staring at Mason with a wide eye. 

"I'm dead? I know that, wait.. I... is that Will?" he asked, pointing at the creature slumped in his arms. Will's eye turned up into a smile and he jumped down. Before Mason's very eyes the triangle turned into the handsome man he had married. Will drew him into a hug and kissed him so hard he was grateful he was no longer mortal, otherwise his lips would be bruised.

"I waited for you... my love." the man said softly.

"WILL!" Mason cried, wrapping his arms around him and sobbing uncontrollably. This was his Will, and he had waited for him just like he had hoped. The other souls waiting their turn smiled and clapped softly, happy two lovers were finally reunited. Will smiled as Masons soul de-aged, returning to the young man Will remembered so well, "Look at you, you lived a good life and raised the kids I left behind so beautifully, I am so proud of you, and i am so sorry I had to leave so soon." he whispered, trying so hard not to cry himself. 

Mason wiped the tears that fell, "Where are we going now? Will we be together?" he asked. The Axolotl nodded, "The Great Beyond is waiting for you, and you also have a choice. Either be reborn together, always meeting and always falling in love, or move on separately. Your souls won't be recycled. It is a rare chance, not often offered. Do you accept?"

Will looked at Mason and cupped his cheek gently with slender finger, stroking the pale skin, "Each life we'll meet again. Won't that be romantic?" He said, a small sparkle in his eyes. Mason nodded and leaned into his touch, missing that feeling of his love, "Yes, I'd like that very much."

"Then so it shall be." The Axolotl said, snapping his fingers with a sad but happy look in his eyes. He had adored watching the Gleeful family grow and change, and Will's life with them. But time was a fickle thing and now it was over. Will took Mason's hands as they began to shimmer and fade, "Until next time." he whispered, giving him one more kiss.

Mason smiled at those words and gave a nod.

"Until Next time."

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now