Chapter 16: Cake

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Fidd's had spoiled Ozy rotten and gotten him a couple of nerf guns and a few boxes of Lego. While the others ate, Ozy played with it all as he sat on the floor by the table, wearing the white cowboy boots his father had bought for him.

"So uh, Stanford? I was wondering if I could move in?" Fidds asked timidly, setting his knife and fork down on his empty plate.

"That's a great idea!" Ford said, nodding happily, Fidds was too far away, and he hated having to go so long between visits.

"Really? Great! Cause I kinda packed up all my stuff and brought it with me"

Ford chuckled, "Of course you did." he said, wiping his mouth, "Thank you for making Christmas dinner, Will, its amazing as per usual"

Will smiled, "Should I go get dessert then?"

"That would be great!" Bill said, having vacuumed up his lunch faster than a speeding bullet.

Will stood up to go get the sweet treats and winced as he stepped on a piece of one of Ozy's new Lego sets, "Ozy! Keep you're plastic hell pieces together!" he whined, rubbing his foot as he tried to keep balance.

Ozy giggled and picked up the piece his mother had stepped on, "Sorry Mom."


Bill knocked on the door of the Mystery Shack and waited patiently in the warmth of the summer sun, looking around at the long grass and wild flowers that swayed softly in the gentle breeze. It really was a nice day in Gravity Falls, back home it was freezing cold and more sweater weather than tshirt weather. Ford opened the door as he knocked once more, his hair a mess and a cup of coffee in his hands, "Bill! Nice to see you! What do I owe this visit?" he asked.

Bill blinked, he had been so lost in enjoying the bloody nature he had forgotten why he had come.

Oh! Right! The invitation!

"Um, oh, here!" the humanized demon said, passing him a folded up flyer. Ford opened it and his jaw practically hit the ground as he read the words,


Bill blushed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Ha ha, yeah"

"Needless to say I'm very surprised" he said, who would have thought the demon who stuck his nose up at human traditions and laws would be getting married, "So twins are marrying twins? That's going to be weird"

"You're telling me, Ozy said it might get into the paper. So you want to come or are you too busy? Cause that's totally fine" Bill reassured.

"Oh, no I'm coming alright, I wouldn't miss it" Ford said, tucking the paper into his pocket.

"Great! I'll uh, see you then, I guess?"

Ford chuckled, "Don't look so nervous, that isn't like you"

Bill tugged his hair, "I can't help it! I'm getting married!"

"Relax, your Mabel is amazing, you have nothing to worry about"

Bill grimaced, "I know" he said,

Ford chuckled at the look on his face, "She's already started planning hasn't she?"

"I saw her reading a wedding dress knitting tutorial" Bill replied.

Ford laughed and ruffled his hair, "Oh you poor thing, whatever shall you do?" he teased.

"Are you going to bring Stan, Mabel and Dipper?"

"Maybe, you want them there?"

"If they want to see me looking like a nervous wreck who's about to faint, I'm sure they'll be all for it, plus there'll be food"

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now