My Name Is Ozymandias One Shot: The Acceptance Letter

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The letter had arrived two years after Will had passed, sandwiched between a few bills and junk mail atop the silver tray that was offered to him by the maid. Mason slid it out with a fast heartbeat, noticing the name on the front as his former husband. Mabel smiled softly as she held her two-year-old daughter in her arms, "He's still getting mail, huh? What's it for?"

"I don't know"

"Well go on then, open it up."

Mason did so, his fingers shaking with anticipation. Inside was an acceptance letter to the New York Philharmonic, it appeared Will had been given the violinist position that had finally opened up.

"I had no idea he even applied" she said, reading over his shoulder, "But of course he got accepted, he was exceptional with that instrument."

He nodded, tears returning to his ever red eyes and making him bite his lip harshly as he tried not to sob out loud. Willow reached for him with small fingers and made sad noises, "Nu sad" she cried, waiting till he had plucked her from Mabel's arms before she hugged him. Mason leaned his head gently on hers, and smiled sadly as she wiped away the tears that kept on falling. Mabel hugged her brother and took the letter from him, "There's a number, maybe you could call them? Let them know of the change."

"Yeah, will do..." he replied, giving Willow to her as she reached for the toddler and taking back the letter. Willow waved goodbye as Mabel kissed her cheek and took her out the dining room to get her cleaned up from breakfast, "You're so good, my little baby" she cooed, happy her daughter was so positive and caring. Mason looked down at the now damp letter, the number at the bottom hazy through his tears, "Might as well."


"H-Hello, is this Jaap van Zweden? Music director of the New York Philharmonic?"

"That it is? How can I help?"

"Hi, my name is Mason Gleeful. My husband, Will Cipher, applied for the violinist position awhile back."

"Uh! Yes! He got the letter then?"

"He- I did, I'm ringing to tell you he can't do the job, he died of cancer... about two years ago."

"I am sorry to hear that, tell you what, I can give you the audition tape we made, if that will help?"

"He came to see you?"

"That he did, wowed us all"

"That would be great, thank you so much."

"I am truly sorry for your loss, he was very talented, tis a shame."

"Thank you..." 

Mason hung up quickly, sobbing as he placed the phone back on his bed and screwed up the paper in his hands in his frustrations. His son came in to comfort him and make sure he took his pills, using his magic to ease his depression as he helped him get ready for bed. Mason smiled tiredly as Ozy tucked him in and reached out to place a hand on his cheek, "You're a good boy, Ozy."

"I know, Dad, get some rest, I'll get you for lunch" Ozy replied, using magic to get his father to sleep. He hated how miserable he was, the depression heavy in his head and heart, a black cloud he couldn't get rid of, even with his powers. His Uncle Ford had told him he just needed time, it would go away and his dad would be happy again. 

But he knew it would be ages before he did.


The tape came a week later, sent via fast post and covered in music themed stamps and writing. Mason tore off the packaging, eager to see his husband once more. Ozy sat nearby with Mabel, the rest of the family quiet as they waited for it to start. Mason put the disc into the DVD player and pressed the play button as soon as he had forced it closed.

"Are you ready, Mr Cipher?"

"Very!" Will said, a smile on his face as he held his violin by his chin, bow poised and ready. The music started up at Jaap van Zweden's command, and Will closed his eyes, readying himself for his show, his chance  to win the position he was wanting so very much to be in.

He played like a pro, not an error or mess up showed and it was clear he was making an impression on the younger prodigies as Jaap van Zweden directed them with his baton. He beamed along with them, Will not moving from where he stood as he swayed with the tune.

The Gleeful family watched with teary eyes as Will played his part beautifully. He looked so happy, so free, so alive and content. Happy tears ran down Mason's face as Will's first and final performance came to an end.

When the video finished they all clapped and cheered, as if they were in the audience watching his show, rather than at home on the sofa. Will bowed on the screen and gave the camera a cheeky wink before it faded to black, making Mason chuckle softly. He missed him so much, craved his love and affection that he hadn't in what felt like so long. 


The man turned to look at Bill and wiped his face, "Y-Yeah?"

Bill smiled sadly, "He would have been great."

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu