Chapter 22: Lost

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It had been a slow two weeks, Will was now on his fifth dose of Chemo as he sat there in his cotton hospital gown, hunched over the bucket in his lap. Ford came in with Ozy as the clock hit 3:30 pm, school finally over for the day.

"Hey, Will, how you are doing?" the man asked, setting Ozy's backpack down on an empty seat as the boy rushed over to his Mom to show him the drawing he had done during math class.

"Same old, same old. Made that for you, you can get rid of the creepy one you guys currently have" Will replied, pointing to the now dry family portrait as he adjusted the beanie on his head. Ford smiled at it, "Thank you, yes this one looks a lot better."

Will threw up into the bucket and Ford grimaced, "I take it you just had more chemo?"

Will pointed to the I.V "Still am" he spluttered, adjusting the tube as Ozy climbed onto the bed for cuddles, "B-But you'll be okay, yeah?" his son asked, not bothered by the sickly smell what so ever.

Will smiled, "I hope so, I love your artwork, well done baby"

Ozy took the drawing back and tucked it in his pocket, "When is it done? The chemo"

"When the bag is finish-"

Will started choking again, producing loud gasps as he tried to breathe. "Can't breathe!" he cried, squeezing his throat as he tried to pull air into his lungs. Mason scrambled off the bed and grabbed Ozy, mashing the red alert button as quickly as he could while Ozy struggling in his arms. The boy sobbed as the doctors surrounded his mother, fitting the oxygen mask back onto his face and taking out the I.V as Will struggled, "It's okay dear, just calm down, we're taking you to ICU" the nurse said, trying to get Will to lie still as he gasped like a drowning fish. The doctor injected something into Will's arm as the nurse unhooked the oxygen tank from the wall, and set it down on the bed.


Will gave his son one last look before the sedatives started working, and the doctors wheeled him away.

He drifted off as the lights above him reflected under his closed eyelids,

Ozy's cries for him fading away.


The Gleeful family filed into the small room with nail bitten fingers and wide eyes about an hour later, glimpsing the mortal demon tucked up in the bed. He was still very much out cold, a tube down his throat to help him breathe. The doctors had hooked him up to machines and wires, and it scared Ozy quite a lot,

"Mom?" he asked, waiting for his answer with bated breath.

"He can't hear you, I'm afraid" a voice said from beside the bed. Ozy turned his head to see a pink-haired male sitting calmly in the seat beside his mom, dressed a bit more casually than he had been the last time Mason had seen him and placing a few pink roses into a vase.

"Axl?" Mason asked, cocking his head to the side in confusion,

Why was he here?

Axl smiled, "Yes, it is I"

"What are you doing here?"

"I came here to speak the truth"

"Which is?"

"The chemo isn't working, and he won't be waking up."

Mason almost dropped Ozy, "W-What?"

Axl stayed silent and Mason rushed over to Will's side, grabbing his hand as tears ran down his face, "Oh Will, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.... " he sobbed, squeezing the warm fingers tightly. Mabel buried her face into Bills chest, and the man hugged her tight as his mind processed the words, "It's going to be okay though, right? You can heal him!"

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now