Chapter 5: Food Fun

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Ozy wasn't having a very good end to his day, his magic was all over the place, and his Uncle Ford had only given him a few lessons so far to help him learn to control it. Every trip, sneeze, cough or any strong emotion ended up in him releasing small amounts of magic, that either broke, cracked or threw whatever was close to him.

At dinner, about a week later, Ozy had been trying his best to keep himself contained, but failing miserably. He sneezed as he was halfway through his mashed potato, and everyone yelped as a few plates shattered and pieces of china went flying. "Whoops, sorry about that,"

"Yep, we are definitely going to need more than a few lessons," Ford grumbled, using magic to fix the broken plates. Ozy grinned and picked up his cup, gulping down the milk before he started back on his dinner.

"I would watch that plate of food, Will," Mason said, pointing to Taco, who was trying his best to sneak some of the mortal demons bacon from his plate. Will hissed at his cat and Taco flattened his ears and growled at him,

"Rude," the white kit muttered, jumping off Will's lap and onto Fords instead.

Ford smiled and petted his ears, "You can have my food, Taco, I'm not hungry."

Taco's ears perked up, and he started eating what remained of Ford's dinner, "You need to eat more regularly, Master. Since I'm still making sure you sleep better now, with magic, I'm quite sure you don't want me shoving food down your throat with magic too" Will said, taking a bite of his bacon-wrapped meatloaf.

"I'm fine, Will, you know I don't eat a lot anyway."

"That's not a good thing!"

"Relax, I'm fine!

Will grumbled but didn't argue with him anymore,

"Can I have some ice cream, please?" Ozy asked,

"Ooo! Me too!" Bill piped up,

"If you've eaten everything on your plate," Ford answered,

"I'm already done! Hurry up and eat, Ozy!" Bill cried, putting his knife and fork in the 'I have finished eating' pose on his plate.

Ozy quickly stuffed his face with the rest of his food, much to Bill's shock, "Whoa not that fast there, kiddo." he cried,

"Careful Sweetie, I don't want you to hurt yourself," Will said, concerned his son would end up choking or gain an upset stomach by the amount of food he was devouring. Ozy finished off his dinner and looked up at his Uncle Ford, his cheeks bulging with the food he was still working away at, "I'm done!" he said, his voice muffled. Bill stood up once Ford nodded and picked up his nephew, "We can make sundaes! With sprinkles and chocolate sauce!" he said, carrying him out the room.

Will chuckled, "Is he ever going to grow up?" he asked, pushing around his peas,

"Who? Bill? No. He shall forever be a dork" Mabel said, a smirk on her face,


"NAH!" Bill yelled back,

Mabel sighed, "I think he might have ADHD, he's got signs," she said, Will nodded, it seemed an appropriate diagnosis, his twin sometimes had trouble focusing on things these days, and got distracted easily.

"You can't have ice cream anyway, Master, you didn't finish your dinner. Taco did," Will said, giving the man a smirk.

"What?! That's not fair!!" Ford cried,

"You were the one who said 'if you eat everything on your plate,' this just bites you in the butt."

"You know I'm just going to get up at midnight, sneak down to the freezer and stuff myself stupid, Will, and you can't stop me," Ford said,

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now