My Name Is Ozymandias One Shots: Will-o'-the-wisp

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Willow Gleeful, also known as Willow Wisp by her cousin, was a rambunctious, smart child. Her father found it difficult to contain her energy at times, but he enjoyed her chaotic nature. 

It was a hot summer's day, and the ten-year-old had spent the afternoon practicing her drawing skills outside, which unlike Ozy weren't as good. The forest in these parts were dim, but cooler, and helped with not overheating. She had seen something strange that muggy day, but not uncommon. Strange things always happened in these woods. Her Uncle explained how Reverse Falls was a hot spot for weirdness and the supernatural.

The little blue flame came into existence just by her drink bottle, making a strange echo noise as it flickered in the dim light. It twisted around as it surveyed its location, probably trying to figure out where it was,

"Hello?" she said softly, not wanting to frighten it.

The blue ball of flames opened an eye as he whirled around, and seemed to smile, staying silent as it watched her curiously, "What are you?" she asked, frowning when it didn't speak. She took out her phone and snapped a photo, sending it to her Uncle for analysis. 

"That's a Will-o'-the-wisp, be careful and don't follow it whatever you do." Came her uncle's geeky reply.  

Willow tucked her phone back into his pocket and drew it with her pencil, her tongue sticking out as she focused on getting it right. She was aware of it coming closer and could feel the cold heat as it settled on her knee and peered at her art. "It's you" she said, tapping the drawing and pointing at it. The beings eye did a small smile which she found rather strange and patted her knee with a fiery hand as if saying thank you.

"You're welcome?"  

It made a small, sad noise before it disappeared from existence,

"Bye, I guess."

Something about the creature had seemed familiar, like she had seen it before. 

She just couldn't put her finger on it.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن