Chapter 13: Was It Worth It?

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They appeared a few hours later, standing at the gates in their masses. A whole group of them, armed, dangerous and ready to kill. The plan was that Emerald would distract them with a cute an innocent act while the others, invisible, would sneak around the group. Encasing them in a circle from which there would be no escaping.

Em pushed open the gate, a glamour covering her usually demonic appearance, "Hi! My name's Emerald, are you here to play with me?" she asked, smiling up at Luthor warmly and twisting the hem of her green dress in her fingers. Luthor growled, "Get out of the way, silly girl, before I shoot you!"

"That's not very nice" she sniffed, looking very shocked he could even think about doing such a thing,

"Get out of the way!"

Em smiled and flicked her hair back as Silver gave her the signal and removed the glamour. With a pop she shape-shifted into her triangle form, "Stay awhile, I have a few friends who would love you to join my tea party of terror" she said, giggling sweetly.

Luthor's eyes widened, "What the- OPEN FIRE!!" he shouted,

Em reflected the bullets with a green force-field and grinned as they all stepped back. Reverse Ford made everyone visible, and Luthor and his entire team gasped as they realized they were surrounded. Bill was wearing an invention Reverse Ford had made, allowing him to fly seamlessly in the sky with glittering see-through wings, a weapon he had taken from the white void clutched in his hands as he started taking shots at the group. Reverse Ford and Gravity Falls Ford were both decked out in protective gear and homemade weapons, and set to work as a team to knock out as many people as they could as the army fought back.

Em dived into the fight once the focus on her had been removed, "Howdy! How's your day going?" she asked one man, snapping his neck before he could answer. Bill grimaced, "EMERALD! NO KILLING!" he yelled, twisting in the air to avoid a volley of bullets.

Em groaned, "WHY!? IT'S NO FUN OTHERWISE!" she yelled back, using her noodle arms to wrap around Luthor before he could do anything, "Not so fast, ugly, you came for Ozy because he's a hybrid, right? I'm one too, lets chat while we wait for the others to finish up with your so called 'army'"

"YOU'RE MONSTERS, YOU DESERVE TO DIE, JUST FOR EXISTING!!" Luthor screeched, struggling in her arms.

"Why? Please tell me. I'm curious to know why you think us such evil creations."

"Because you're not natural, you're a freak of something awful!"

Em tied him up in normal ropes and set him down so she could take her medicine and change back into her human form, "You think I don't know that? My body is trying to kill itself from in the inside out! Ozy is more human than I am and he doesn't have the issues! Me however is the true hybrid here, so leave him alone!" she said, taking a good sip and mentally sighing as the pain in her muscles disappeared.

"You should both be dead!" Luthor spat, "You and your abomination producing family!"

"Well, that ain't happening, not today" she said, wiping her mouth on her sleeve and leaving a bloodied smear, "Why are we not natural? If we weren't wouldn't we have been non-viable embryos!"

"Nature doesn't understand! That is why my family is around!" Luthor said, struggling to free himself. "Every one of you should be dead, and you will be, after this!"

"How? You're tied up?" Em said, smirking at him with a devilish grin,

"OI! HELP ME OUT HERE!!" Luthor cried to his men. They came forward at the sound of his voice, trying to help their boss as best as they could, but Em was ready. She used her magic to defend herself, fighting them back as easily as hitting a ball. One of them pulled a bottle from his pocket, and with a nod from Luthor he flung at the green-haired girl.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now