Chapter 6: The Book Store

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"Ozy has too much power for his age, it could get out of control, and, as you know, if there's too much magic, magic can control you...We...We...Could have to intervene, before it gets to that stage" Ford said, setting down the book and taking a sip of his tea. Will tapped his chin as he thought, "I can drain some into some amulets for you, but I can't take anymore magic or it will corrupt my mind again. I have a limit now as a mortal, heck I can't even heal broken bones anymore!"

Ford shook his head, "We could do that, but estimations show we would need, oh, say over 50 amulet's? They can only take so much" he said, spooning some sugar into the bitter tea,

How did Will like his tea like this? It was awful.

Will gave an annoyed look, "Then what do we do? I don't want him to get hurt...I don't want to lose him" he said quietly.

Ford bit his lip, "I know, Will...But there's only one proven method that works for removing large amounts of power in one go...I'm sorry"

Will didn't seem to understand what he meant, "Explain it, will it hurt him?" he asked,

Ford sighed and pointed to his right eye, "You already know."

Will's eyes widened, "...No"

"I'm sorry, but it's the only way"

Will wrestled with his mind, on one hand Ozy would be much better with the lesser amount of magic, but on the other hand it would mean disfiguring his child. The bluenette sighed, "If it's the only way...Let me talk to him first, and hey, if he says yes, maybe this time you can give it to Fidds? Hmm?" he suggested, chuckling weakly.

Ford smiled and nodded, if anyone deserved the eye it was Fidds.

"Mom?" Ozy asked sleepily, looking up at him through sleep encrusted eyes, Will kissed his forehead and smiled at the bubbly happiness Ozy gave off at the affection, "Ozy sweetie, I want to explain something to you, about your magic" he said, tucking a lock of his hair behind his ear "You have too much, and when someone mortal has too much magic it becomes dangerous, very, very dangerous. Now, the only way to fix this would be to remove an eye, and I know it sounds scary, but this way you'll be safe and everyone you love will be safe too...." he explained,

Ozy blinked and rubbed his eyes, still processing the words,

Remove an eye? How? He'd never been to the hospital before.

Ford seemed to understand his confusion, "I had to do that to Will once, so I know that it's perfectly safe, and don't worry, as soon as we remove the eye, we'll put an identical non-magic one in, okay? You won't feel a thing, you'll be asleep, so when you wake up, it'll be as if you never had an operation at all" he answered,

"It won't hurt?" Ozy asked,

"Not one bit, I promise" Ford answered,

Ozy nodded, "Okay...When?" he asked,

Will snapped his fingers and Ozy's eyes slipped closed as Will's magic made him sleep, "Now" the mortal demon whispered sadly.

Ford stood up, "I'll open a portal for Fidds, can you get the lab ready?"

Will nodded dumbly, "It would have been nice to have been knocked out first you jerk" he sass-mouthed. Ford smirked, "Well, I learned my lesson, didn't I? Note to self: knock people out before you experiment on them...Seems pretty obvious don't you think?"

Will snorted, "Yeah."

"Just keep Ozy calm in his dreams, I don't want him twitching" Ford said, leaving the room to sort the portal. Will took Ozy to the lab and set him down in the chair to set up. He quickly wiped down the metal surface with some disinfectant and made things a bit tidier before he picked his son back up and laid him down, "I love you so much" he whispered, kissing his forehead. From that kiss he sent out some good dreams, calming ones that would keep Ozy settled and calm.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora