My Name Is Ozymandias One Shot: Photos

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(Song: Photograph - Ed Sheeran)

Ford took down the old and rather dusty painting, leaning it up against the wall before cleaning the spiderwebs from the corners. Mason passed him up the new painting carefully as he balanced on the ladder in his slippers. "It fits perfectly" he called down, adjusting it so it was even on the nails. Mason smiled, "Good, I didn't want to have to resize it."

Ford got down off the ladder and gently brushed a thumb over the small upside-down triangle in the corner as Mason folded the ladder back up and set it down on the floor out of harm's way, "Sorry it took so long to put it up" he muttered to himself, pulling Mason into a side hug as they looked up at it. 

"Lunch?" he asked, changing the subject quickly as he felt tears prick his eyes. 

Mason nodded, "Yeah, sure" he answered, leaving the living room to head to the kitchen, the old painting in his hand and ready to be chopped up into firewood. 

Ford followed after him, gazing at the framed photos on the walls as he passed them. Mason and Bill had found as many photos as they could of Will, Ozy and everyone and swapped the old ones out for them instead. It was far nicer than the awful, boring and dull ones he had up originally.

He stopped at one of Mason and Will, a baby Ozy between them as his parents kissed his cheeks and gazed at the camera, a bright carnival of fun in the background. Oh yes, he would definitely miss the man that had changed his life for the better. Without Will, this family would still be a right old mess of murder and mystery. They owed him everything, their lives, their hopes, their dreams. He had given them so much, the freedom of choice, the right to love whomever they wanted, and most of all he had gifted them peaceful happiness for the future generations of Gleefuls.

He jumped a bit as he felt a hand on his shoulder, not realizing just how deep in thought he had been, "That's my favorite photo of Will" Fidds said, taking his hand in his.  

Ford smiled, "Yeah? How so?"

"I can see the happiness in his eyes, and the love, its real and pure and it makes me smile." he answered. Ford leaned his head on Fiddleford's shoulder and ran a finger over the golden wedding bands they shared, "Me too."

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ