Chapter 9: A Bagel

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After putting Ozy back to bed, Ford spent the rest of the night drawing on his tablet, his insomnia keeping him awake. Around 5 am he passed out, falling out of bed and onto the floor, and lying there snoring, sprawled halfway in and halfway out of bed with the tablet still curled into his fingers.

Mason was the first one up that morning and decided to get Ozy ready for school himself. Making sure Will was tucked in properly, he trailed to Ozy's bedroom and knocked on his door, "Dias? You awake?"

"Yes, dad!" came his rather snotty reply,

"You getting ready for school?"


Mason smiled, "Good, see you at breakfast! Don't forget to brush your teeth!"

"I won't!" came Ozy's voice from behind the closed door. Satisfied he made his way to Ford's room to see if the man wanted some coffee and burst into laughter as he noticed his rather strange sleeping position, "If you didn't snore I'd be quite sure you were dead" he said, nudging him with a foot just to make sure. Ford peeled his eyes open with a groan as he felt the shoe touch his arm, "Huh? What?"

Mason smiled down at him, "You're like a slinky" he said,

Ford rolled his eyes and tried to get up, eyes widening when he realized he couldn't actually turn over, "Oh, um... Can you help me up? I can't move." he asked, looking up at him with an embarrassed expression. Mason snorted but did so, heaving him to his feet, "You're amusing, is your back okay, old man?"

"I'm fine, my back is fine, and I am NOT OLD!" Ford growled, Mason rubbed his head and grinned at him cheekily, "Whatever you say, grumpy. Wills still out of it, as is Bill, so they won't be joining us for breakfast. I'll be taking Ozy to school today, do you want to come along?"

Ford nodded, "Of course I do, that would be nice" he said, rushing around his room to get ready.

"Relax, we've got half an hour till we have to be out the door" Mason said, checking the time on his watch, "I better go see of Ozy has finished getting ready, I'll meet you in the dining room" he said, leaving his great uncle to get changed.

Ozy was currently adding magic to his hair to hide the natural blue streaks he had been born with. The strands couldn't be dyed as his mother had tried to do it once and the chemicals hadn't stuck. He was dressed in a dark blue long-sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans and dark blue converses, custom made as Ford had wanted his casual outfits to match. If Ozy wasn't going to wear the formal day clothes he usually wore, he still wanted him to look respectable, hence the custom shoes he had paid for.

Mason knocked on the door and peered in as he opened it, "Ready yet?"

Ozy grumped but nodded, "Almost" he said, adding the last bit, he turned to him and smiled "All done!" he said, Mason smiled and gave him a nod, "And not a single strand of blue to be seen." he replied. Ozy picked up his school bag, "What's for breakfast?" he asked,

"Well, since the cooks are off duty today and Wills in bed, it's Cereal."

Ozy grumbled, "Lame" he grumbled, he had been hoping for a bit of bacon,

Mason ruffled his hair, earning a whine from his son as he messed it up, "Yes, it is a bit, but it can't be helped." he said, watching as Ozy rushed to fix his hair back into the style he liked it in.


"I made your lunch, sorry its not your mom's cooking, but its still good I promise. Come along then or we'll be late" Mason said, pushing him out the door as his son tugged his backpack on.

"We've still got plenty of time still, relax, Mason" Ford said, following after them,

"I know, I know! Usually Will handles all this, but he needs sleep and I just want to get everything sorted" Mason replied, opening the car door for his son. Ozy got in and clicked his seat belt into place, making sure he had everything in his bag before he settled down. Ford nodded, "Agreed, he's been rushing about far too much lately, damn demon needs a break." he said, getting into the driver's seat and starting the car. Mason got into the passenger side and sighed, "I reckon I need to do some more of the work load" he said, wondering what he could do to help Will more.

Ford shook his head, "You're fine, you have a job you need to focus on. Besides, Will just likes to do everything himself."

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now