Chapter 8: Artist

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Kate grinned and waved him over as the two walked up to the school gates, "Morning, Ozy, Morning Mr Gleeful" she said, passing Will back the plate, now clean and ready to be put away. She hadn't needed to return it, as it was plastic, but her mother had told her it was the respectable thing to do.

Will paled as he took it, "I, uh...right, m-morning, have a good day Ozy" he said, hugging him before he rushed over to the car waiting in the parking lot.

Ozy gave a confused noise, "Whats his problem?"

Kate shrugged, "I don't know, that was really weird."

Ozy chuckled. "Come on then, lets get to class!" he said, racing off into school grounds. Kate followed after him, "Hey! Wait up!" she cried, her backpack making noises as the contents were jumbled about.

Ford cocked his head to the side as Will got in to the backseat beside Mason, "Something wrong?" he asked, tightening his grip on the steering wheel as some idiot came too close to his vehicle.

"It's Kate, she called me Mr Gleeful! I mean I know I am one now, because I married Mason, but I mean, Whhhy!?" Will whined,

Bill snorted with laughter from beside Mabel and almost dropped the gummy candy he was eating, "William Gleeful!" he spluttered, finding it absolutely hilarious. Ford smirked, "So long as it's not Master Gleeful"

Will tugged on his seat belt, "I have been called that occasionally by the head maid, and the cooks, I told them no"

"I'm going to make a note of that" Ford muttered,

"No one is to call me Mr Gleeful!!! Got it!?" Will ordered, Ford chuckled, "Tough, it's on the certificate thing you signed anyway."

Will's eyes widened, "No..." he whispered, summoning his marriage certificate and looking down at the loopy writing. His eyes scanned his last name and he gritted his teeth, "UGHHHH! NO! My last name really is Gleeful now! How did I not read this first!" the mortal demon cried.

Mason grinned, "YOU'RE STUCK WITH MEEEE!!!" he teased,

Will made a few odd noises and Mason nudged him, "Relax, Will, it's not THAT bad" he said,

"So says you! I was a Cipher for eons! EONS! now I'm a snobby rich man with a happy last name!"

"WAHAHAHA-" Bill was really enjoying this, in fact he had choked about three times already on the gummy chairs in his mouth and was currently being glared at by Mabel as the Ford backed out the now clear parking lot and drove off down the street.


Ozy ran up to his parents, tears rolling down his face and Kate right behind him, clutching a torn up book in her hands. Ford frowned as he stood there, confused as to why Ozymandias could be crying, "Ozy? What's the matter??" he asked, very concerned. But Ozy didn't reply, choosing instead to hug Will tightly as the kids filed around them with their parents, all intent to get home. Kate spoke up instead as none of them could seem to get a word out of him, "It's that idiot James Matchitehew! He's been harassing Ozy and I! He took Ozy's art book and ripped it up, and then he pushed Ozy over and called him a Freak! He's a jerk!" she said, passing Mason the book.

"I want to go home" Ozy sniffled,

Ford looked like a thundercloud, "Did he do anything to you Kate?" he asked, gritting his teeth as his blood boiled,

No son of Hunter was going to bully his nephew!

"Yeah, told me I was an idiot for bring friends with a no good Gleeful" Kate grumped.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora