My Name Is Ozymandias One Shot: Afterlife

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He woke to bright whiteness and the non-existent temperate of the waiting room stationed between life and death. For a few seconds he was confused with where he was, then he realized as he felt hands help him to his feet. The Axolotl smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, keeping him steady as he looked around, "Are you ready, William?"

"No... but, if it's my time, then I must" he replied, the faded hospital garb a bit too big on his frail looking body. He was stick thin, sickly looking and could have used a good meal if he had a physical form.

Chemo hadn't been kind.

Axl took his boney hand and led him over to the long wall nearby, placing his other hand on the smooth surface and closing his eyes to summon what would be the door to the demon's afterlife. He opened the door that formed out of light and his magic, and Wills eyes widened in shock at what he saw behind it.

There, laid out before him were Flatlanders, all kinds, all together, and all at peace. Some were playing, some were laughing and talking, Irregulars and circles, triangles and squares, all mingling and without the rules of their mortal lives.

"Go on then, William"

"This is heaven for Flatlanders?"

"freedom, equality, you can play all day, do whatever you want, no rules, no nothing."

Will bit his lip, it sounded so amazing, this was something his old world had denied him and his brethren. His mind flicked back to his son, his family... his husband, all on Earth, and all without him. His heart twinged with longing and he looked down at his bare feet with a whimper.

"They'll be okay without me, right?"

"Of course, it will be hard for a while, as you know, but they'll be okay." Axl replied, "Now go."

Will took a hesitant step through the doorway and then ran across the gray, his soul changing, and shrinking down. The little gray flatlander cartwheeled the rest of the way and tumbled down a hill, stopping only to wave at the Axolotl as the pink being closed the door behind him.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now