My Name Is Ozymandias One Shot: The Mural

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(Song: Fix You - Coldplay)

"Goodnight Ozy" Mason spoke softly, closing the door to his sons' bedroom with a soft snap. The fifteen-year-old waited for that familiar thud of his father's footsteps fading away down the hall before he scrambled out of bed. He reached under his bed and pulled out a backpack, it was mostly held together with magic and falling apart at the seams.

He took one more look at the door before he pushed up the window and climbed up onto the ledge. He leapt out, using his magic to soften his fall as he hit the ground. He raced across the grass as lightly as a ballet dancer, leaping over the high fence with another burst of magic to avoid being detected if he went through the gates.

Mason stopped, and came back to check if his son needed anything, like a glass of water or an extra blanket. He opened the door and sighed as he saw the empty bed, "Dammit Ozymandias, where are you going at these late hours?" the man complained, racing off after him.


Mason grumbled as he waved the dim flashlight through the thick trees. His only knowledge of Ozy's location was the small dark blue flame he could see from his son's hand as he hurried through the dark forest.

Where was he going?

As Ozy stopped, Mason hid behind a tree, squinting into the dark over his glasses as he tried to get a good look. But the night was soon illuminated with four glowing orbs that Ozy magicked up. They floated around him and cast a soft but bright glow. Mason's eyes widened, for he could finally figure out where his son had been running off too each night.

For there, painted upon some old walled ruins was a Mural, and not just any Mural, a special one. His husband, Will, and all his forms were beautifully spray painted on the old brick wall.

At the top was the gray Flatlander, surrounded by equally gray shapes and strange worlds. Next, underneath, was the glowing blue demon Mason had first met all those years ago, when Ford had summoned him in the dusty basement. One arm held the yellow flames Willow now possessed, while the other was wrapped in the blue chains Ford had bound him in. Third, underneath that, was the human vessel, a smile on his face as he played the violin, scars and all. Fourth, was Will's evolved demon form, playing the piano so perfectly beside the human vessel, while feathers and music notes floated around them.

And last but not least, underneath that, was the human form, the final form Will took before he had passed on, his hands cupping a small beating heart, as he smiled wistfully at them, eyes full of hope and love.

Mason felt tears run down his face, and he let out a gasp of air as he fought not to make a noise, unfortunately alerting Ozy of his location. The boy set his can of paint down and summoned a sword, swinging it expertly as he looked around, 

"Who's there!? Show yourself! Warning I'm armed!"

Mason put his hands up and came out from behind the tree, dropping the flashlight in the process. Ozy gasped and dropped his sword, and hit the ground, embedding itself in the dirt near his backpack, "Dad? Uh, it's not what it looks like!" Ozy cried, trying to hide his things behind his feet.

Mason shook his head, "You're not in trouble Ozy, this is beautiful."

Ozy stopped. "Really?"

Mason nodded and put out his arms, his son ran to them and hugged him tightly, happy he wasn't in trouble. Mason smiled and hugged him back, running his hands through his now fully blue hair, "Its magnificent, your Mom would have loved it."

Ozy buried his face into his father's shirt and sniffled as tears ran down his face, 

"Thanks, Dad." 

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now