Chapter 11: Almost But Not Quite

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"We're going to need a wheelchair for Will, because currently he's far too weak, and since Mason will have to look after him, it'll be me taking Dias to school for a while" Ford explained, pressing this weeks roster into everyone's hands, now edited and changed to suit the events that had happened in the last few hours. Will was still asleep on the table, a blanket covering his body to keep him warm.

"But, do you even know how to make my lunch?" Ozy asked, raising an eyebrow at the man who could barely make pancakes, let alone a freaking sandwich. Ford tapped his chin in thought, "Er, magic?" he asked. Ozy facepalmed, he loved his Uncle, but sometimes he could be a real idiot for a smart guy, "Just give me $10 I'll get something from the school cafeteria" he said.

Ford nodded, "That I can do."

"We still don't know who poisoned Will" Fidds said,

Ford grinned, "That's where you're wrong. It was Edward Matchitehew, Hunters older son. His DNA was also over the vial" he said, holding up the vial now contained in a clear, plastic snap-lock sandwich bag.

"You need to put a barrier up, around the house, so only those with good intentions upon the family can get through" Ozy suggested, the idea coming to his mind quickly.

"But what if a salesman tries to come in?- Oh, wait, that's a good thing" Ford said, "Ignore me..."

Ozy snorted.

Mason set the paper down and scooped up Will from off the table, "I'll get him to bed" he said, ignoring Will's grumbles of protests at the movement, he had been having a good dream until Mason had ruined it.

"Wills going to be very weak for a while. Mason. You're going to have to look after him like Ford said. I'll bring a wheelchair over later," Fidds spoke, following the man down the hall. Mason sighed, "I'll have to push him around?" he asked, nudging the bedroom door open with a foot. "Might have to, yes. He's going to find it hard to walk and use his body, so bathing and other things will be hard for him" Fidds explained. Mason nodded, "Of course, I'll do whatever it takes to get him back on his feet" Mason said, setting Will down in their bed and tucking him in.


Ford entered the dining room the next morning with a beaming smile and a happy look on his face, "Morning everyone!" he said cheerfully. Will grumbled and poked at his breakfast, he didn't like the wheel chair one bit and wasn't very happy that Mason had made him use it. Then there was the awful fact that his magic was down, so he was unable to do anything unless his did it manually and even the manual tasks were difficult or out of reach now,

"Did you take Ozy to school, or did you forget?" he asked,

Ford waved a hand at him, "Yes, he's at school. I also put the barrier up last night, thought I should say." he replied, sitting down in his seat. Will tried to move his wheelchair himself, and growled softly as he realized Mason had put the breaks on. Mason frowned, "Where are you going?" he asked, setting down his cup of tea, "Bathroom, I can go myself, I don't need you helping me" Will replied, banging the spokes with his hand as he tried to loosen the jammed up breaks. Mason pushed his hands away and unlocked the breaks for him, "There we go, mister grumpy."

Will rolled his eyes and wheeled himself forward, the edge of Ford's seat in his way as he maneuvered out from the table, "Move, Stanford, or I swear to Axl I'll run you over." the mortal demon grumped. Ford pushed his seat out of the way, looking a bit upset at Will's pissed off mood. Mason patted his shoulder as he followed after his husband, "Ignore him, he's just grumpy about the chair."he said,

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" Will yelled, speeding off down the hall, "SOMEONE OPEN THE BATHROOM DOOR FOR ME!!!"

Mason quickly hurried to catch up to his husband as Will's sobs could be heard. The mortal demon looked up as he appeared and grabbed for him as Mason scooped him into a hug, "I'm sorry, I can't, I just can't" he whimpered. Mason shushed him and held him tight, "It's okay, I understand how frustrating this is for you, but we'll get through this together."

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now