Chapter 14: Flip The Switch....And Watch Them Burn

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Ozy padded down the hallway to get a glass of water, his mind still on what had just happened. Marina was in the kitchen snoozing in a teapot as he reached for a clean glass. The clinking noises waking her from her snooze, "Noodle? What are you doing up?" the snake asked, yawning widely and showing off her fangs.

"Sorry for waking you, Marina, I just got thirsty, is all"

"Something on your mind?"

"Have you ever heard of purgatory? Like a space between Heaven and Hell? A waiting room of sorts for those who haven't decided if they want to move on?"

"I have!" a voice said, Ozy turned to see Killian enter the kitchen with a smile on his face, "Why? You worrying about what's going to happen when you die?"

Ozy filled up the water glass and leaned against the counter, "No, I was there, talking to James. I helped him get into Heaven. I apologized for my families misdeeds too and he thanked me."

"I suppose you only went there because you felt so bad for what happened to the boy that your magic sent you there, it's not uncommon, what did you do?"

"Put his sins on my record so he could go to Heaven"

Marina frowned, "That was very kind of you, Ozy. You will most likely regret your kindness later on in life" she said, slithering back into her teapot,

"No, it's fine, I'm okay with it" Ozy insisted,

"Well, the fact that you took his sins for your own suggests that you will go to Heaven, that is a selfless thing you did" Killian said,

Ozy smiled, "Thanks, is Emerald okay?"

The red-haired man nodded, "She's awake if you wish to speak with her?"

"I'm fine thanks, still just super tired."

"I know, but she wants to talk to you."

"Oh, okay then" Ozy said, following him to the living room. Em was curled up on the sofa still, clutching a small stuffed toy close to her chest. She smiled as her father and Ozy appeared in the doorway and sat up to make room for them, "Ozy! Are you okay? I've been getting like a flood of bad emotions off you, I'm worried"

Ozy sat down beside her and smiled softly, "I'm okay, I just had a dream I was in purgatory, and James was there, and I just feel like I've been slapped in the face...I don't understand why Uncle Ford would shoot him."

"Ford feels bad too you know, maybe you should go talk to him?"

"I don't even know where Uncle Ford is..."

"I believe he's sobbing in his bedroom"

"How do you know that?" Killian asked,

Em giggled and rolled her eyes, "I can hear him, doi"

"...I'm going to have to talk to him aren't I?..." Ozy grumbled,

"Your Uncle's trying to be a good person, I can feel it, please don't stay mad at him" Em said, patting his hand.

"I just...Who does that? One moment he's a cold hard killer who gives no fucks for who he dispatches, the next, he's a sobbing shaky mess who wouldn't hurt a fly? He's just all over the place!"

"His mind is still broken, mixed up and mashed into potatoes, you need to take it easy on him. He's still healing."


Ozy paused before he knocked on the door, "Uncle Ford? Can I come in?" he asked,

"Nope, not until I've gone through every scenario in my head where I didn't kill the kid" came his Uncle's voice. Ozy came in anyway, "He's moved on, if you wanted to know."

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now