Chapter 21: Breathe

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Ozy grumbled, trying desperately to stay awake despite the fact his eyes kept slipping closed, it was waaaaay past his bedtime. "Ozy, it's time to go home now" Ford said quietly, trying not to wake Mabel. Ozy whined as his Uncle lifted him out of the bed and away from his mom and dad,

"No" he grumbled, reaching for his mom with tired hands,

"Yes, it's Monday tomorrow, and you have to go to school, you need to sleep, in a proper bed" Ford said, setting him down on his feet, "No! I don't want to leave!" Ozy grumped,

"Your mother isn't going anywhere, and your father is with him"

"No! I want to stay!" Ozy cried, stamping his foot in anger and squealing as Ford picked his stubborn butt off the ground. His uncle grabbed his backpack and slung him over his shoulder, "Don't you even think about using magic to escape" he ordered.

Fidds chuckled, "To bed, young man, you're obviously tired" he pointed out.

Will smiled, "Bye sweetie, love you"

Ozy sniffled, "Love you too, mom"

"See you after school" Mason said with a wave.

Ozy allowed his Uncle to carry him out of the Hospital, "Mom's going to be okay, right?" he asked, clicking his seat belt into place as Ford allowed him in the front seat rather than the designated back seat he usually sat in. His uncle started the engine and pulled out the nearly empty parking lot, "He's doing very well at the moment, he's not in the clear, but he is getting better"

"Do I have to go to school tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid so, yes, but as soon as you get out of school you can see Will, if you want too?"

Ozy watched the street lights pass by one by one, illuminating the darkness in a sickly orange glow,"Yes please." he muttered, drifting off to the sound of the car as it rumbled quietly along the road.


Mabel unwrapped the untouched muffin and passed it to Will as he glared at it, "I'm not hungry" he insisted.

"Eat it" she said, placing it in his hands,

"No, I'm fine. I'd rather not throw it up" he said, putting it back down,

"It's a muffin, the muffin needs to be eaten."

"Then you eat it"

"Just one bite, please?"

Will sighed and took a bite of the plain muffin, grumbling at the blandness of it, "Happy?" he asked with his mouth full.

Mabel smiled, "Swallow it."

Will flipped her off, not really in the mood for this, "Ughh, gross" he replied, working up enough saliva to swallow the mush. Mabel smiled, "Excellent, now when you stop feeling nauseous, eat another bite" she said.

Will growled,

"And take your time" she added, ignoring him.

Bill took her hand, "Give him a break"

"He needs to eat, he ate like two days ago, and it wasn't even a proper meal."

Bill sighed, "Yeah he knows that, but forcing him isn't going to help. Besides, they're giving him whatever crap he needs in that I.V."

"Okay, okay, I just don't want him hungry"

Will grabbed for the bucket as the mouth full of muffin made its second appearance, throwing it back up as his stomach flip-flopped in protest at the food.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now