My Name Is Ozymandias One Shot: The Funeral

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(Song: Cancer – Twenty One Pilots)

Bill had never seen or even been to a human funeral before, let alone participated in one. But as he stood in the small lobby of the church Mason had picked, waiting for the car with his brother's body to appear, he dreaded it. Mabel put her hands on his shoulders, smoothing out his suit with a sad smile, and picking away at the nonexistent dust, "You're doing so well."

"Is he here yet?" he asked.

"Not yet" the woman replied, kissing his cheek, her stomach still wasn't showing yet, but it wouldn't be long.

Stanford came in through the wooden doors, also dressed smartly in a suit. He gave them a nod as they turned to look at him, "He's here."

Bill took Mabel's hand and squeezed it as they brought it in, his heart pounding and his throat tightening as he tried to keep his emotions in check. His brother was in that coffin, lying deathly still, an empty vessel void of his twin.

Mason took Ozy's hand and led him over to the door as Ford waved them over, intent on getting his son settled down in the church pews. The boy had an emotionless expression on his face, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks as the now ten-year-old tried desperately to keep his emotions under control. "Ozy? Come on, son" Mason urged, tugging at his hand as the boy stopped in his tracks. Ozy shook his head, "I c-can't" he sobbed, the tears flowing down his face.

Mason kneeled down and wiped them away with his thumb, "I know, I know, come here" Mason pulled his son into a hug and Ozy clung to him, making a damp patch on his shoulder as he cried. His father rubbed his back and ran his fingers through his multicolored hair, the blue had spread to more of the brown, "It's okay, it's going to be okay, but you need to come inside, please? For your mother."

Ozy sniffed and pulled away, wiping his nose on the back of his sleeve and leaving a streak. He gave him a nod and Mason smiled softly, "Good boy, thank you." he said, picking him up and setting him on his hip as he made his way inside.

Bill felt distant and cold, and very confused, like it was simply a nightmare he was experiencing as he stared at the coffin lying on the metal gurney. The Pines family were here, waiting in the seats inside. Kate, Ozy's friend, was also here with her family. It wasn't packed, but that was okay.

With a nod from Ford, Bill grasped for his side of the coffin, and Mason, Ford, Fidds, Mabel and Ozy lifted it up in sync.

"Ready?" Ford asked them, they all gave a nod and tread down the aisle carefully, eyes front and music playing softly as their feet thumped softly against the churches worn out carpet. Bill glimpsed a pink-haired male sitting not too fair from him as they set the coffin on the table. It seemed the Axolotl had come for a last goodbye. 

They all stood back for a moment before taking their seats. But Bill lingered, fingers on the lid as his mind raced. This wasn't supposed to be Will's fate, he was supposed to grow old and enjoy every bit of his mortal life. It should have been him, he had deserved this fate, not his twin. He felt cheated and torn, broken in half and split in two.

He was pulled from his thoughts as Mabel took his hand, "Come on you" she whispered, pulling him over to the waiting pews with a gentle tug.

Bill barely registered the entire ceremony. He couldn't bear to look up, so he stared at his feet instead. His fingers fidgeting with the moon necklace he had gifted his brother so long ago. He could feel Mabel squeezing his hand now and then, comforting and kind, soft and warm. When it was finally over, it was only then that he cried. Stanford Pines gave him a few tissues from his pocket, but it wasn't much considering Mabel Pines had used the entire tissue box Dipper had brought along with him.

His wife hugged him, Ford hugged him, Mason hugged him, and all these people hugging him just made it worse and all the more real. He pulled away and ran out the church, tugging off his tie and throwing it to the ground angrily beside him as he sat down on the steps, tears streaming down his face.

"It's not fair" Bill whispered, his voice choking as he wrung the abandoned tie in his hands, his knuckles turning white as Ozy's magical storm rained down upon him. Mabel sat down beside him and nudged his arm gently, staying silent, until they looked at each other,

"Did you know I lost my parents, a long time ago?"

"Do you miss them?" Bill asked,

Mabel nodded, "Every day."

"How do you stop the pain?" Bill asked,

Mabel hugged him and smoothed out his hair as he leaned into her,

"You don't, but it gets better." 

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now