Chapter 3: Lost Tapes

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Taco had somehow made his way through the portal and had given Will quite a fright when he nudged his elbow and purred loudly, demanding attention from his Master, "Damn cat!" the blue demon shrieked, "NU BAD WORD!" Ozy cried, smacking his mother's chest.

Rev-Ford picked up Taco and cuddled him close to his chest as the white kit nudged his face and purred happily at the affection, "KITTY!" Oz yelled, trying to reach for him as he wriggled in his Mothers grip.

"We may as well have just brought the entirety of the Manor here" Mason said, starting to get a little crowded in the small living room of the Mystery Shack. Bill rolled his eyes "It's not that crowded. Stan, Mabel and Marina aren't here" he pointed out, picking up Taco as the cat wriggled out of Rev-Fords arms and went over to him. The ex-demon slung the him over his hand as if the cat were a gun rather than a living being and aimed it at the happy toddler, "Cat gun! Pew pew!"

Ozy giggled adorably, finding his Uncle Bill's shenanigans very amusing. The humanized demon put the cat on his head and raised his eyebrows, "Hey Ozy? I got my thinking cat on!" he said, giving the toddler a grin. Ozy giggled again and Mason smiled at the two, "Bills also an excellent babysitter." he said to Ford.

The red-sweatered man chuckled,

How sweet.

Bill rubbed Taco's ears as he settled the cat back down in his lap, "What can I say? The babes love me" he said, winking at his nephew. Will cringed at the joke, "If Mabel was here she'd smack you for that awful pun." he whined. Bill laughed, "No girlfriend in this dimension! Ha!" he said, frowning as Rev-Ford took back the cat,

"My cat" the man insisted,

Bill huffed, "Nah ah! He's everyone's cat!"


Will rolled his eyes, "He's my cat, I found him, I healed him, he's mine" he said,

"Yes, but you belong to me, ergo the cat is mine" Rev-Ford said, smirking at him, both eyes shining.

Will grumbled, "Fuck" he muttered.

He was right, technically.

"Bad mama! Nu swear!" Ozy cried, horrified such words could come from his mouth,

"Thank you, Ozy" Mason said, chuckling softly at his son,

Will smiled "Sorry for swearing baby" he said, kissing the toddler's cheek. Ozy whined and pushed against his face with his hands, "Nu Baby, Imma big boy" he insisted, crossing his arms and pouting as Will set him back down in his lap,

"Okay mister big boy, broccoli and carrots for dinner tonight."

Ozy gasped, "NU!" he cried, utterly in shock that his mother would even feed him such atrocious food.

"Adults eat healthy food" Will insisted,

"Nah ah!"

"Yah ha"

Ozy pointed to Rev-Ford "Nah, ah!"

Will chuckled as Ford frowned, "I was eating one doughnut!" he declared "One!"

"He still remembers, only cause you wouldn't share, and he had a tantrum."

Rev-Ford huffed.


Will gasped as he sipped at the sweet tea he had made, they had been talking with the Pines for about an hour now and Mabel had gone to get everyone some refreshments. Will had helped, summoning the good stuff from home, "I just realized something! Bill!? Remember that little pocket dimension we filled with all the junk we collected over the years? I can access it again now!"

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now