Chapter 10: Precious Poison

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Ozy stuck his hand in the air and waved it at his teacher to get her attention. It was almost next class, and he really needed the bathroom beforehand. The teacher smiled at him as his hand caught her attention, "Yes, Dias?"

"Can I use the bathroom please?"

She nodded, "Of course, be quick."

Ozy quickly headed to the bathroom, whistling a tune as he did so, the school had nice bathrooms in this sector, the worse ones being in the high-schooler's sector. James waited till he was gone before he too asked to go to the loo as well. The teacher nodded, "Quickly now, this lesson is important" she said, waving him away. Ozy was just finishing up and washing his hands in the sink when James walked in,

"Hey James! Lessons boring, huh? I'd rather be drawing to be honest." he said, trying to be nice to him, it would be rude to judge him for being a Matchitehew. James growled and grabbed his shirt collar, shoving him up against the wall as his hands dripped water onto the floor, "Drawing? Is that what the little murderer likes doing?" he snarled. Ozy gave him a very confused look, maybe he had been to quick to dismiss James actions, even if he had been a bully to him in the past. "What are you talking about!? Let me go, James!" he cried, trying to pry his hands from his shirt. But the water made it too slippery for him and James kept his grip tight.

"Your uncle murdered my dad, THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" James screeched.

Ozy scoffed, "Well, what's beating me up going to do? I wasn't even born when that happened! Plus, from what I heard, he was going to kill a demon! It was self defense!" Ozy argued. James punched him in the face before he could react and Ozy felt his nose break, "And!? What's this dumbass demon got to do with my dad's murder!?" the angry, older boy growled.

Ozy smirked, his odd colour blood dripping down his face, "You really don't know?" he asked, his eyes glowing blue. James eyes widened, and he faltered for a mere second in shock, "THAT DEMON WAS MY MOM!!!" Ozy yelled, sending him flying back.

James hit the door of the bathroom stall and slid down, wincing in pain as his spine was bruised, "I knew you were half-demon, but I didn't think you father had the courage to fuck a demon and have an abomination like you! The school are going to kick you out for this! You're going to become exactly like all the other Gleefuls, EVIL!!" he cried. He had been told of Ozy's potential demonic abilities, but had never seen them in action before, they were strangely amazing, even if they were wrong.

Ozy's hands burst into dark blue flames and he stepped forward, "A lot has changed, James. Us Gleefuls aren't as bad as you think. But you, my friend, are the worse, targeting me in the bathroom. How about we speed this along, you go back to class, and stay silent, and I won't shove your disgusting, rotting corpse into the trash outside the school!" he snarled,

James trembled slightly as he stood up, "You will PAY FOR THIS OZYMANDIAS, this isn't over, not in the least!" he insisted, rushing out the bathroom as fast as he could, his back protesting the movement. Ozy withdrew his magic and dried his hands, a small smile on his face. When he returned he dropped the smile and made himself look like he was more terrified rather than pleased, "Um, miss?" he asked, blood still dripping down his face. The teacher turned to face him, pausing the chalkboard scribbling, "Yes- oh my lord, Ozy! What happened to your nose?"

"J-James ambushed me in the b-bathroom......Do you have any tissues p-please?" he asked, smiling as innocently as he could, James scoffed, "I DID NOT!" he argued. The teacher hushed him and gave Ozy a packet of tissues to plug his nose with, "James Matchitehew, principal's office, now!"

James looked shocked, "But miss! I didn't!"

"Not another word, go!"

James stood up from his desk, packed his things away and stormed out of class, glaring at Ozy the entire time. The teacher sighed once he had gone, "I am so sorry, Ozy. I'm sure the principal will not stand for this" she said, giving him a smile.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now