Chapter 1: Ozymandias, King Of Kings

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(Based on a Roleplay between me and StormDragon_13)

(If you haven't read Book 1: Hold On To Me, go do so now, this is a sequel!)

(Song: Where The Light Is - Puggy)

Will gazed down at his son with admiration and adoration, sweat still dripping down his face in exhaustion as he struggled to stay awake long enough to spend time with his newborn. "He's perfect" he whispered, smiling as tiny baby hands curled around his finger tightly "And so strong."

Mason hugged him happily and wiped away the perspiration with a few tissues, he knew Will was tired, he could see it in his eyes. "He is, what should we name him?" he asked, throwing them into the bin.

Will tilted his head to the side as he thought,

"Hmm, how about Ozymandias, King of Kings" he said eventually, looking up at his husband for consent. Mason nodded, "Sounds like a good name, I like it, Ozymandias it is."

Stan chuckled softly from his seat in the corner "Ain't that from a poem?" he asked, trying to keep Bill still, the humanized demon was wriggling and frantic to see his nephew. But Stan didn't want him over crowding. "Let me go! I'm an uncle now! I demand to see him!" he cried. Stan looked at Will and let him go at his nod, chuckling softly as Bill let out a happy noise. The blonde-haired male raced over to his twin's bedside as fast as he could.

"Yes, but he will have a nickname, Stan. Imagine calling him for dinner, that would be so awkward" Mason said, "What about Dias for short?"

Stan smirked "Ozy, ozy ozy" he teased, nudging Ford as he waited for his answer, "Oi oi oi!" Ford replied, rolling his eye's at his twin's immaturity.

Will frowned at their fun, "Dias is good" he insisted, giving the two twins a glare.

"Pity" Ford said, looking up as Filbrick entered the room, a canvas bag close to his chest. He looked nervous and awkward, like he was up to something he shouldn't be. "Sorry I'm late, traffic was shit," he said, sitting down next to Ford and setting the bag down in the empty seat beside him. He looked around quickly before unzipping it, and Taco popped his head out with a curious meow.

"They allow no animals in the Hospital, Filbrick" Mabel pointed out. The man chuckled nervously "I have no idea how he got in there" he explained, his eyes doing the sneaky side-to-side thing. Ford smirked, "Put him on the bed, I won't tell anyone, I promise." he said, patting his father's shoulder.

Filbrick did just that, smiling at Ozymandias, now very much awake and looking up at his Mother. Taco went over cautiously, sniffing at the newborn, wondering what the small child could be.

Will held his breath, hoping his pet wouldn't do anything bad, and smiled as Taco nudged his son, purring softly as he cuddled up to him. "He likes you, yes he does" he cooed, gently stroking Ozy's cheek with a finger.

"Don't worry about germs, Will, Taco's very clean, I gave him a bath earlier" Filbrick said. Mason snorted softly at that, Taco was very popular with the family members, but he had been quite sure it was Ford who loved the white kit the most, not Filbrick.

Ford nodded, "Thanks, I wasn't going to be the one to do it"

"He actually enjoyed the water, strangely" his father replied, rubbing the back of his neck. Ford could just catch the faint smell of pet shampoo wafting from him, he must have done it recently then.

Bill smiled and tugged Mason's sleeve as he realized Will had finally fallen asleep. The man smiled and carefully took his son from Will's arms, allowing Bill to pull up the blankets and tuck his brother in. The ex-demon picked up Taco and snuggled the cat happily as he sat down. "Oh Filbrick, he's so soft!" Bill exclaimed, nuzzling Taco's fur against this cheek.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now