Chapter 2: An Apology To The Pines Family

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3 years later~

Will practically skipped out of bed early that morning, Mason was still fast asleep as he went to go check on his son. Ozy was already up and playing with his toys on in his bed as he did every morning when he got up, Taco beside him, tail swishing as he watched over his charge.

Will peered in with a smile and watched his precious boy roll his favorite toy cars across the covers while making car noises to go with them. Taco batted them with his paw as Ozy propelled them over to the white cat and the toddler would giggle as his pet knocked them off the bed as hard as he could. They hit the hardwood floor with a loud clatter, just missing the large thick rug Will had placed under the bed. He hadn't wanted Ozy getting hurt if he fell off in the night, hence the rug.

"Ozy?" he asked, knocking on the door,

"MAMA!" the three-year-old cried happily, a smile on his face as he entered the room to open the curtains and the window. Taco meowed in agreement, jumping off the bed and winding his way around Will's ankles as the mortal demon tried not to trip over him.

"Sleep okay?" he asked his son, picking him up off the bed and wincing as he stepped on a piece of previously unseen Lego. Ozy made a whining noise as he reached for the car he had been playing with and Will picked it up for him and passed it to the waiting fingers.

"There we go, happy now?" he asked, Ozy nuzzled him and settled down, content to cuddle instead of talk, he had gotten up too early this morning. Will ran his fingers through his hair and smiled, "I'll take that as a yes, come on you, lets get you cleaned up before breakfast."


After a messy breakfast time, where Ozy had been overjoyed by the pancakes, it was time to go see the Pines. The small Gleeful was a little confused by the portal when Will opened it, but got very excited when it was explained to him. He hoped there were dinosaurs and robots and all sorts of cool things in this other world.

"You ready?" Will asked, taking his son from Mason's arms and kissing the top of his head.

Ozy wriggled happily, "Portal!!!" he cried,

Oh yes, he was ready!

"I need you to behave for me, Ozymandias" Will scolded nicely,

Ozy giggled "Nu, Mama!" he said, crossing his arms and kicking his legs.

"After you M'lady" Mason said with a smirk, bowing a little in a rude but polite manner. Will smacked his head as he passed, not amused by Mason's joke one bit.

"You realize he's old enough to realize that you're not a 'Mama'? Right?" Mason asked, rubbing his head with a frown, "I know that, yet he still calls me Mama, don't you baby?" Will replied, looking down at his son.

Ozy giggled "Mama!" he agreed happily, patting Will's chin, his tiny fingernails would need cutting soon, they were starting to get long and Ozy liked to poke people.

Will smiled "See, he knows." he said, leaning down to kiss Ozy's cheek. He blew a raspberry on the soft skin and made the toddler burst into peels of laughter at the feeling. "Mama's happy boy, aren't you?" Will cooed.

Ford rolled his eyes, "Are we leaving or are we going to spend the entire day adoring Dias?"

"We could do both?" Will said, cocking his head to the side cheekily. Ford huffed, "Not what I meant, lets go already!" he cried, shooing them into the portal.

They all filed through and made their way through the warm thick summer air filled forest. It was winter in Reverse Falls, and summer here in Gravity Falls, which was probably why their sweaters were starting to get a bit too warm. But the family were enjoying the missed warmth too much to remove them.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now