Chapter 20: A Bit Of Good In The Bad Times

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The phone rang, pulling him from his slumber with a snort. Fidds scrambled off the sofa he had been snoozing on and picked up the empty Lego box from off the floor that was in his way. Pushing the cars and the toys to the side as he padded across the floor in his socks to get to the phone in the hallway.

"Hello?" he asked, leaning it against his shoulder as he discarded the box into the recycling bin,

"Hey Fidds, sorry if I woke you, it's me, Stanford"

"How is he?"

The phone was silent for a few seconds, "Fine for now. Can you bring Ozy down, I know hes asleep, but he needs to know, it's been a while."

"Will do, be there soon." Fidds replied,

"Love you"

Fidds smiled sadly, "I love you too." he said, hanging up the phone and taking a deep breath. He hurried to Ozy's room to wake him up, turning on the lights and opening the curtains as he popped the toys back into the toy box. The boy woke rather quickly as he shook him gently, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he grabbed his schoolbag from off the floor,

"Uncle Fidds? What's going on?" the nine-year-old asked, sitting up as he began putting a few things into a small backpack.

"Hospital, your mother wants to see you."


"Mom? MOM!" Ozy rushed into the room as Fidds opened the door for him, "What's going on?" he cried, dropping his backpack on the floor. Will put out his arms, "Come here, baby" he said softly, waiting till his son was in his arms before he snuggled him happily. Fidds sat down with Ford and smiled, leaning into him as the man wrapped an arm around his side, "How are you doing?" he asked, closing his eyes as Ford smoothed out his hair in a comforting manner.

"I'm fine...I think"


Ozy felt tears run down his face, he knew something was up, everyone had been so secretive and quiet, barely telling him anything and always trying to change the subject, "Why are you in hospital?? Why has Uncle Fidds not been telling me anything!? It's been a week!"

Will looked at Mason and the man nodded, "Hey, it's going to be okay, okay?.....I just have something in my head thats not a good thing, but the doctors are trying to get rid of it"

"Tell me, stop being so vague!! I can help!"

Mason sighed, "He has brain cancer, Ozy"

Will glared at his husband, "I was trying to be a bit more gentle about it!"

Ozy's eyes widened, "B-But I can't heal that with magic..."

Will kissed his forehead, "Nether can I"

"But what if you die, it's going to be all my fault, cause I can't fix you!" Ozy said, his eyes wide as tears threatened to spill over his cheeks. Will cradled him close, "No baby, it's not your fault, it's no one's fault. Sshhh" he soothed, trying to calm his upset child.

"What if you die!?"

"Then I die"

"No! You can't!" his son cried, tears finally streaming down his face. Will hugged him, rocking him back and forth as his son clung to him, "Shhh, it's going to be okay." he whispered, kissing away the tears as best he could. Everyone looked up as someone knocked on the door, "Hey, sorry I'm late" Mabel said, giving them a small smile.

Will smiled back, "It's fine, glad you're here now." he said, gesturing for her to take a seat. Mabel shook her head, "No, it's fine, I just have some really good news to tell you all. I just went to go get checked out, and it's official" she said, giving them the thumbs up.

My Name Is Ozymandias (Sequel to Hold On To Me) (WillDip)Where stories live. Discover now