- 12 - out and about

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Later, I sat in the front seat of William's car, watching the drive. He seemed very good at staying focused on the road, not like I was trying to distract him or anything. That would be dangerous but I might have still attempted.

His girlfriend sat in the back, seeming bored. She was really pretty in her modest dress, she knew how to dress and her make up seemed so perfect on her. Her hair was done up in a neat bun, no dead ends poking out. Held tightly back.

"Where did you get your dress from? It is very pretty."

"Oh, I got it when I was out of town. I went on a school trip when I was 17 and bought it. It still fits. Most of my old clothes still do."

"Lucky, I'm in desperate need of new clothes, my clothes seem to be shrinking."

"Or you're getting fatter," William commented. I hit him, not wanting to hear that. I wasn't that fat.

"It's not my fat that stops my clothes from fitting. My breasts have gotten bigger and my clothes are like 2 years old. I have no friends to go out clothes shopping with." I sighed, trying not to show that I was hurt by what he had said. It wasn't my fault my breasts are the way they are.

"We could someday," Clare said. "You always seem to be very good with how you dress. A bit questionable but It's unique to you."

"Thank you, but no." I smiled.

"Don't complain then." William sighed.

"I'll complain if I want to complain, get it. It isn't like you don't complain to Henry about shit and can't do shit about it. So fuck you."

"It isn't very ladylike to swear. Maybe you can work on how not to use strong language." Clare smiled. Does she really see me as a child?

"I'm an adult, I can swear all I like. I'm more of a woman than you." I grinned, playing with my hair. She couldn't even have children. What kind of woman was she if she couldn't do that. It was good, because who wants them. I don't fully understand how they are made. They kinda just pop out. Nobody told me more than you just popped out after 9 months of hell. Someone told me that.

Clare teared up, looking out of the window, shamed. Why would she be ashamed? Did she want children? If that was the case, she would be upset. That dream was gone. Time for new, better ones.

"William locked me in a cupboard when I was 15. Are you sure you want William, he is kinda unstable?" I tried to cheer her up by being mean to William. She wasn't happy at all.

"You were being a brat." William grunted. "Darling, ignore her, she's just jealous of how gorgeous you are."

I laughed, but William hit me as a warning to not open my mouth. I hit him back, not allowing him to think I was okay being told what to do like that. If he wants to fight, I'll fight him.

"Please don't hit each other." Clare was concerned, rightly so. Still upset but now more added onto it.

"Honey, you know I will always be there for you," William said to her. She smiled, happy to hear that.

"Gross, you two will live boring lives," I whined. They seemed completely at the first stages of a relationship despite it being a few years old. It was sickening and I was jealous. How could someone like William find someone, while I couldn't find anyone? It was unfair. Not even at 20, I couldn't find a lover.

We got to the shops, parking near the front so Clare didn't have to walk so far. I hope she falls over, or worse a shelf fell on her. She was too nice to me, very understanding and sweet. She accepted me when we first met. I was horrid to her from time to time but she still was nice to me.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Where stories live. Discover now