28 - memories to arguement

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I rushed to my room as soon as Henry and I got home. He dragged William with us, wanting to have words with him and understand why things happened.

I felt so embarrassed that I could die. I destroyed everything—Clare's life, William's plans, and Henry's only other friend other than me. I didn't feel sorry for causing trouble; I had no reason to care. It meant nothing, and that was all it was. nothing, but Henry might not see it as nothing.

I got onto my bed feeling confused about what happened. Was my mind playing tricks on me? Those memories, then, made it seem as if I had gone back at a better time. It felt as if I wasn't stressed, as if I had things to live for and some ounces of pride and joy in being free, as if I had no worries and no constraints. I didn't have to hide that I was a hoe for pretty men that gave me attention and showed me that they could care. The feelings were different. It wasn't how I normally felt around William.

It was excitement, happiness, and everything in between. That kiss felt like the first magical moment only girls dreamed of having when they were older. Teens wished they knew what their first kiss would be like. That was how it felt, but when it returned to being the fully furnished, dimly lit diner, it wasn't like that magical feeling I now yearn for.

I desire that feeling again. I tasted passion and genuine love from the way we glanced into each other's eyes and the way he held me close. I lust for more of that feeling from him, but it will never happen. I hate the idea of feeling this way, especially after being murdered once and having an attempted murder from his soon-to-be wife, and now I feel like I can no longer be around them.

Maybe move in with Richard and spend more time with him to avoid this feeling for William coming true.

I slowly stripped down to my undies and unclipped my bra, grabbing a magazine and turning my lamp on and my light off. I spend my time looking at the clothing and pretty women in the magazine, wishing I could wear these outfits. high-bottom jeans and a colourful button-up shirt that was tied at the rib cage. one-piece jumpsuit type clothing; button-up dresses with fabric tied around the waist. Frilly free flowing dresses and lot more I wish I could get.
Maybe some will treat me to a shopping trip. Why run a business and not treat anyone to good clothing? If you feel good in nice clothing, then you know it's right for you.

At some point I fell asleep, giggling at the bikinis and swimwear, knowing I'd be hot in them.

unknown memory

I wondered in a lovely homely kitchen, clean and homely, with bombardment of ideas, how much the idea of showing off drawings and taking photos of outings seemed to be important. From the living room to the hallway, photos branded the walls. A cherry pie smell resonated from the kitchen, as well as that of other sweet treats that blessed the senses with heavenly delights.

I said an unfamiliar name, which even if I had said it, I could never seem to think about. No name to face and it was very turn as the the woman I had said.   She turned from the kitchen, cleaning dishes and generally looking like a typical housewife—proud and happy. She seemed to be enjoying some alone time with the four children and me squeezed into a small, cosy home.

Her face was unknown to me—empty, shifting, and changing without a hint of who she was. Her face and skin type were all in a foggy haze, but the moment felt normal. An ordinary day in a normal family Yet I didn't recognise the family, who they were, or where I was. Besides knowing I was in a house, I didn't know the owners or anything like that. I knew the same amount as dirt's worth.

"Darling, why are you home from the church event so early?" She said it so motherly, putting on a caring smile.

"I'm so angry. That stupid bitch thought she could steal my moment. I stormed over to her and hugged her, tearing up. "That wench made me look like an idiot, in front of my friends." My uncle told me to go home because I started throwing hands with her, but that's what that dumb bitch gets."

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Where stories live. Discover now