34 - BBQ day

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Me and Clare been working together for while on day out for her, William and Henry, been over a month or two since we started and we still have our moments of disagreement. We got Beth involved, to be a witness to the found badly formed friendship. It was a friendship that would crumble once we stop having to work together.

We sat having cup of tea at William's, when he was at work, general conversation picked up and we laughed and joked about the happiness moment.

"It's all awkward to do." Clare stressed, relaxing back into the couch. "It's been a month and we can't decide anything."

"I say dinner outing, and got to Henry's for a movie."

"A picnic at the beach?" Beth suggested, stopping our bickering to look at her as if she was crazy. She was to suggest such a stupid idea, the worse idea anyone could come up with.

"Do you wish to drowned?" I asked, glaring daggers at her.

"Some people." Clare rolled her eyes going back to what she was saying, "we could have dinner, but I want you to be involved. Who give a shit if you and William had a little falling out, me and Beth would appreciate if you were around. You are doing a lot for all of us to have fun. It's only fair if you get to be apart of that fun."

"I'm not being involved."

"Why put in the effort for something you aren't going to enjoy."

"Because I have my reasons."

"We can scratch the idea away. How long do you want tolerate me for? I feel like our ability to plan this is stunned because me and you don't know how long we will be dealing with each other."

"Game night, board games and wine or something." Beth asked.

"Can't drink and if we do, (y/n) has a little drinking problem."

"I do not. We can do a bbq, no drinking involved." I suggested suggest. "It would be fun, Henry's food is the best so good food and you both don't need to feel left out for drinking because it's reasonable to drink water."

"Great!" Clare smiled, taking a sip from her cup of tea.

"Since summer is almost here. We can take out our frustration on each other with water balloons."

"Of course you would be down to threw stuff at me." She rolled her eyes.

"Or we can bully William? Team up and beat him down with water balloons and water."

"I love the sound of teaming up to do that but he might not take to kindly to that."

"Who cares, I'll take the blame, and you'll go along with getting me into trouble."


The day came after a few months of getting distracted with personal things, with the sun out and bright, the grass freshly cut and the mid day skies clear as blank canvas. outdoors was not too hot and humid with the air cool enough to have a faint breeze that barely made a different to the temperature.

I helped Henry set up the backyard with the grill nicely close to the back door, a table close to the wall of the house with cooler for drinks underneath the table. Near the middle of the yard was a few garden chairs around a metal fire pit for later. I set up the table with sheet over it and placing plates stacked, plated up snacks and things.

I was in a high waisted bikini that was red for top with black straps and black bottom. Clearly, ready to be pretty in the heat or for a tan. I wanted to return to work with a tan.

William and Clare entered the house, with a "hello Henry! We're here. Sorry were a bit late." Clare said in a sweet hum, dressed in a summer dress that touched the top of her knees. Her stomach was grown a bit since I last saw her, and it really did become harder to keep it much of a secret. However, despite the pregnancy weight gain, she was glowing and dazzling in the sunlight with perfect skin and a radiant smile.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant