3 - savour

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I finished the last table I could. The person was so needy, needed so much attention, clinging onto me like how a child hangs onto their toys. The way his hands disguised me. I expect customers to be at least classy with their actions.

He broke rules. Basic rules on the menu, and on the way in. His behaviour was temperamental. I didn't mind sitting getting attention, not when they get too aggressive with how they handle me or think I owe them for teasing. Teasing was part of my job. I didn't have to do it but I was a sucker for attention.

"He seemed nice." Susan joked, cleaning up the bar.

"Nice my ass." I rolled my eyes, ignoring her. Cleaning the table the disgusting person was on, I scrubbed with force. It didn't matter how much I scrubbed. It felt disgusting.

"You just have to put up with it."

"I'm not having a disrespectful greedy old man who thinks he can do whatever and try to force me off the premises to have his way with me. No fucking way. I'm not desperate for money and I'm not some cheap whore."

"(Y/n)!" Brandon yelled for me, angrily. Of course, I did something wrong.

"What!" I yelled back. What did I do? I did my work? The night was overall a good night, besides at the end with that one issue. It couldn't have been so bad. Man needed a good slap in the face.

I saw Brandon make his way over to me. His blond luxurious hair bounced and he walked. Each step was more questionable than before. His shit brown eyes were less shitty than his personality.

"We got a complaint. I'm going to tell you one last time, Don't be hostile with customers. Doesn't matter if you don't like them. Don't lose your temper with them."

"I wasn't hostile! That asshole blew smoke in my face, tried to get me to leave the premises. You should be lucky, I'm aggressive. I'm not having assholes think they can tell me what to do!" I strongly yelled, standing my ground.

I think protecting myself should be rewarded. Hot bath tonight was my reward. Wash away the pain in my feet. My shoes were killing me.

"Have you tried being polite?" Brandon shook his head, tired of today and bitchy women being mean and pissy.

"Polite? Bitch, I can. I chose not to. If you aren't going to be polite to me, then you aren't getting politeness back."

"She has a point." Susan agreed with me.

"He was a paying customer."

"He still paid." I rolled my eyes, looking at him.

"Do you want to keep your job? Because you are testing my limits."

"(Y/n), you causing trouble?" A coworker, Lucy, asked. A short girl that was a bitch but likes to act all sweet and shit. I hated it. I hate how she can just be passive while knowing she can do so much better.

"Apparently." I smiled.

"When will you learn? Nobody wants an aggressive idiot like you telling them off for the smallest of things. You'll end up dying alone."

"And nobody wants you, a mindless idiot that is dull and boring."

"At least, I'm able to make customers pleased."

"There is a difference between doing your job and being a slut, Lucy." I stuck my middle finger at her.

"Says you, who dated a customer."

"I'm sorry, the man wanted someone hot to be seen around him when he went to his clubs. I was paid handsomely."

"Ladies!" Brandon yelled. "Stop being bitches for 5 minutes and at least pretend to like each other."

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Where stories live. Discover now