24 - the aftermaths

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My vision came back to me when water gushed out of me as I couched and hacked for air. For while I coughed up everything that was in my lungs, throwing up water that had flooded my stomach.

My body trembled, my vision blurry with my ears ringing and each painful breath caused me to cough and gag from the taste of salty seawater. It burned my throat and lungs and caused panic to run while in my mind. Dazed, confused and disoriented, I didn't know what was happening around me, or what time it was, all I knew was I was cold, in pain and scared.

I couldn't cry, my eyes hurt from the sea, my voice was croaky and worn and my chest pained me so much it was the only thing I could focus on.

I panted, gripping the ground, blinking around me to see what I could see.

"H-" I choked out, trying to breathe at the same time. "Henry!" I attempted to yell for it to come out like a sore whisper. I attempted to stay still, curling myself into a call to keep warm. "Help." I gasped out. "It's cold..." I panicked more, trying to see in front.

"Hey, it's okay." Clare lifted me slightly, making me sick by the sight of her and the sudden movement. "You're safe." I threw up more, feeling dizzy, confused and unsure of what was going on. I couldn't even hear properly.

I laid there helpless, trying to regain my sense but it was slow. I felt so sick in the stomach as if my stomach felt bloated from seawater, my throat felt tight and sore and my airway was in agony.

"Hey!" I heard loudly in my ear. "Are you alive?" He asked, gently turning me to see the sky with him slightly blocking the blurry view.

My words tremble as I attempt to speak."c- c- cold... hurts. I don't..." I gasped, striving to let out my words through chatting teeth and a sore throat. "Henry..." I whined. "Hurts." I chose my chest and they breathed in, now knowing I was alive. Maybe this was it.

I closed my eyes to not have an eyesore from the brightness around me, breathing as slowly as possible to stop the hurting and the couching, trying to remove all of the liquid from inside of me. Despite nothing coming out, I still felt like coughing to get rid of the anguish that was in my chest like my lungs were scorching from the inside out. I begged with tears in my eyes for it all to go away. The pain and weirdness around me. Why were things happening? What was happening?

"Henry has gone to get something to warm you up. Hang on." William said only, it was as if he was distant but I could feel his warm arms around me with somebody else's touch, keeping my head to the side and up, to keep me able to breathe and be sick as I needed to.

I finally woke up, sweltering in my bed, several blankets on me with towels around my body and even a hot water bottle near my feet. Boiling alive in my bed was better than freezing and choking on fluid, not the thing I wanted to be choking on, but I guess dying was fine if stopping the pain deep with such a bitch. I take away my statement about her and do not blame her. I won't hold bitterness when I do but I didn't die so bitch, I was holding this over her head.

I groaned in pain when I lifted, to get a grip of my thoughts and understand where I was full. My room was cleaner than this morning. Who touched my things? My dirty clothes were put into a basket, my magazines neatly stacked up on my dresser with other cutters that were nearly organised and let's not get started on how immaculate my floor looked. Pristine as if it had hovered. Who the fuck hovered in my room without waking me up? Who cleans another person's room besides my parents? I knew Henry wouldn't touch my stuff, he knew that I know precisely where everything is where I left it.

Of everything I could be worried about, my room is my main and only concern, besides how I get home. How did I? Who took me home? Why were my recollections so messed up? What was real? Did I know? I got out of bed slowly, lifting myself with my hand on my bedside table. Breathing pains were fading but my throat was a bit off.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Where stories live. Discover now