18 - snooping and anguements

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Monday came, it was time to run my plan and see what I found. I monitor William leaving his office, heading to Henry with a skip in his step and a smile. He nudged Henry, chuckling a bit as Henry seemed embarrassed about something.

"I still love your hair," Daniel said, fluffing up my hair. "Doesn't matter that you cut it, you still are beautiful with short hair." He smiled, wrapping his arm around my neck.

"You are too kind, I see you did your nails, they look so good." I went along with Daniel's stupidity. I had no clue what was wrong with him but he was getting in my way.

"Get back to work before I get told off for you." I sighed, shifting along the wall, getting quickly away from Daniel, who looked dumbfounded. He walked off to bother the other worker, who wasn't so much anyways. They both stood around and waited.

I rushed over to William's office without anyone noticing and entered the room. I gently closed the door and rushed over to his desk. Papers were scattered on his desk, a fancy pen, and other stuff. I shoved around papers, going through the desk, pulling out whatever I could find. From documents and little doodles.

I found a journal, holding William's name on it. I guess if I was to find anything interesting it would be resting within the book. I seemed stuffed with paper and much more bursting around the hard shell of the book.

I sat on William's spinny chair, still warm from when William sat on it. I flickered through the book, seeing notes and doodles, appearing as weak stuff. I flickered to his recent entry, which seemed to jotted down last Saturday.

"Figures and plans

I see them looming in the corner of my eye. Always there but never there in full view. Short ghostly figures of a past but also of what is to come. They shouldn't be around. Maybe it's all in my head. The stresses of starting up a company with Henry. Each time I get more nervous.

Ignore the figures that watch me. Waiting. I might take (y/n) advice about sweets. It might help get them away. For now.

A date this Saturday!
Plans for Saturday evening.
An apology date. She wants this and that, I have never been good with marriage and I attempted to hold back on doing anything like that, not unless we have an accident, which is slim. Very slim. So there is no need for marriage when it would all be the same. Arguing with her never happens.

It seemed mindlessly living at this point. I have no wants, no needs. I already experienced everything life has to offer. It rinses and repeats.

- keep Clare happy
- ask her to marry me."

Did she say yes? Are they engaged? What about me and William? I guess I have to back off, messing with married men was never in my interests. I wasn't destroying a marriage. What if they somehow have children. I don't want to be the child to suffer for what their parents do. That was the worst. I didn't want anybody to feel like the reason their parents didn't get on was their fault.

I just stay away from married men. I guess I saw it coming. William was dating her for a long time now, it was sooner or later they would tie the knot and start wanting to get married, or rather William gave into Clare's hints and begged for them to be married.

I looked at an old entry.

Henry's request
- keep an eye on the brat
- Finnish paperwork (completed)
- spend time out of my office
- help him

Stop her from flirting with customers, spotted her a few times flirting with someone.

I brought the concern up with Henry but I don't think has done anything about it. Name-calling doesn't affect her. Shaming her seems to not work.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum