22 - beach

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Henry got out of the car, waving over William and Clare. "Hey! William! Clare" He smiled brightly as the wisps of his short brow ringlet hair danced in the air.

"Hi, Henry, thank you for inviting us out," Clare said politely, almost glued to William's arm as if she needed him for support. Look at her in a better suit than me, it was just better than mine, with a little skirt type thing attached to it. Her hair was done up in a neat bun and her face makeup-less. Maybe foundation but it was well done that you couldn't notice it.

I got out of the car in my swimming suit, fuelled with hatred and confidence, I stormed over to them, glancing at them.

"(Y/n), hey. Happy birthday." Clare cheered. "20, so exciting, right?"

"It's just like magic. I aged up by one. Still an adult." I rolled my eyes. Henry shoved gently, warning me to be nice.

I didn't bother looking at William or talking to him. Didn't dare make eye contact, notice him or do anything. Why put me through that? When his lady was enough for one day.

Henry got everything out of the boot and we headed.

"Where have you been for a week?" Clare asked, walking along the beach next to me.

"Having a better time than you." I stuck my tongue out at her, refusing to admit I was afraid and lonely. I was afraid but she didn't need to know that, nobody did. I wasn't going to be oh, yeah, I was absolutely terrified of the shit I was seeing, hearing and dreaming of. Those made me tremble and cry like I was a little girl crying for someone to save her. She doesn't need to know that I was a coward, a big loser. I had to have handled it on my own, otherwise, what was I? I wasn't a weak girl requiring someone to help me. I help myself.

Henry found a spot and got set up with William. They kept everything in the tubs so the sand wouldn't get over the food.

The beach was lovely within the sunlight and lush clear eyes. For a while, there was just sand and water, until you got to the cliffs at the bottom, where the beach was a rocky area to explore. I got my towel out and laid it close by to the large towel that held all of the food. I got out my magazine and rested down.

The heat of the sun warmed my back.

"Get sun cream on yourself, you don't want to burn," Henry said, passing me the sun cream.

"I'll be fine." I pushed it away from me.

"No, (y/n), sun cream or else you'll be fried like bacon." He gave it back to me.

"Fine." I dotted small amounts around my arms and legs, rubbing it in until it was no longer seen able. Not the type of white stuff I like on legs but I guess it was more useful.

"So, (y/n), it looks like you changed your hair again? You're finally going through another phase." Clare asked.

"No and I don't really care, no shut up. I don't like you. Don't talk to me if you're just going to comment on that." I told her.

"Be nice," William warned.

"I am." I looked at my magazine and looked at the gorgeous woman. The magnificent models suit such luxurious clothing, I will never be able to have. I would like to. Having such clothes would be so luxurious.

"Why do you even read such junk, it rots your head," Clare said.

"So does whatever you have with William, you don't see anyone else complaining." I shot back at her, turning the paper of said brain rotting material. I loved it.

"What's your issue?" She asked me with an offended tone. What was honestly wrong with what I said.

"Oh, nothing." I grinned.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Where stories live. Discover now