21 - birthday

240 12 2

- Henry's POV -

I took a sip of my coffee, standing with William inside the dark lonely building, closing for the day, after what felt like a painfully drawn out day. backaches and hearing ringing from the bombardment of loud sounds and children laughing, it felt as if the weekend was well overdue and needed to come faster.

"I'm done for the day." I stretched, hearing a crack in my back with pain shooting through my back. "William, I think I have seriously done my back."

"How did you manage that?"

"Must have been at some point, the small pain from earlier has got worse."

"Go home, hot back, try to ease the pain and make sure to have a hot water bottle against it during the night. It might be stiff in the morning but you can easily erase the pain again, and work your back slightly."

"Thank you. How're things working out?"

"I have been stressed out lately. I never truly doubted myself, my ideas and doubted my planning before." He sighed, looking down at the checkered flooring, before shaking his thoughts away.

"What do you mean?" I asked, unsure if he was doubting the planning or doubting his choice of woman? Clare was wonderful some of the time. She was simple and caring towards William. I don't know her personally but I do know that she overthinks what people say about her. Always keeping herself clean, tidy and very well dressed for William for some odd reason. She is an average woman with simple goals and wants. She was William's type of woman, not high maintenance, simple, bright-eyed, with general knowledge about things.

"I don't know. I have been doubting for a while now. I mean, 2 years- plus."

"You both two been together more than 2 years?" I was confused. Two years? Unless it's just around 3 years but he could have just said 3 years.

"It feels longer than 2 years." He chuckled my confusion off and continued. "A lot more." He seemed saddened by that. "Anyways, how's (y/n), I haven't seen her around at all, as of late."

"She locked herself in her bedroom, refusing to come out. Something got to her because she refused to be alone, I know she was inviting her friends over."

"She has friends? Are you sure they are friends?" William raised a brow, looking at me like I wasn't telling the truth. I was. She had been inviting over a friend. I don't know who but I do know she has been doing something with someone.

"Listen, she might have a special someone. I hear her on the phone to them all of the time. The house phone now lives in her room. I'm glad at least she isn't at home alone panicking but I would rather not clean out the bin when in her room to find a condom wrapper in it." It felt wrong to tell him about (y/n)'s business, but William was my best friend and I can tell him anything. My concerns.

"At least she is safe with this lover."

"Should I set rules, so she can only be with her special friend in her room alone when I'm out of the home? I'm so happy that she was able to make friends and develop relationships but I don't know how I feel about knowing what I know." I expressed my concern and happiness, continuing with "I wish she comes out of her room at least for dinner. I don't know if now, she realised she is an adult, she is going to hope in her rebellious stage for a while."

"Hope not. Rebellious idiots are troublesome. Better off in her room than causing trouble for the business, to think that woman has enough power to destroy your whole dream. Have you talked to her about what has happened to cause this sudden distancing? Any bad dreams? Nightmares or terrors? Any reason." He expressed his opinion, patting my shoulder slowly. "She has her issues, can't be alone, commitment issues, tine of trust issues and probably much more. I think her confidence is faked."

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Where stories live. Discover now