20 - tragedy behind the stage

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I cleaned up the tables and headed backstage to check up on William. I saw him within the animatronic. How hazardous that was. Any wrong move and he was gone. One harsh sudden moment count set the suit off like fireworks. The crackling sounds of bones breaking and sharp mental clamping into a bag of meat and blood.

How disgusting. If he was going to die he should do it not in the viewing of my eyes. I rather not see that shit. He might actually shit and piss himself afterwards. Gross. How it made me a gap in disgust. It's odd, It felt like a scenario that already happened before.  I don't know why that random clouded feeling in my head of thinking something has happened but it hasn't happened. It was quite weird.

"Hey." I waved, walking further into the room with a long stride of confidence, he couldn't do much, so I had the power of saying whatever I wanted without consequences.

"Don't start," William said, attempting to detach the metal arm from his arm very carefully. Her breathing was shallow and not an inch of his body moved.

"I did everything I needed to do and thought I could come to help you, do you require any assistance from yours truly." I stuck my tongue out, giggling.

"That would be appreciated."

"You'll have to give me instructions because I have no clue on how to do this. The last time I had to open one up was the last loop and I was the one inside." I said, getting close to him, seeing the suit.

"That's fine. I'll guide you, but you have to listen closely." William gently patted my head with the cold metal hand, not really letting it hit it; it felt like a failed attempt to comfort me. His metal hands could squish and break my head if he tried.

"First, to access the chest cavity, press the two buttons firmly, while gripping the bow tie and pulling it with some force. This unlocks the latches that prevent the chest plate from opening during shows and entertainment. Please, keep in mind, too fast will lose more than the latches, too slow and it might not register. A quick and steady-paced while pressing the buttons located on the chest plate." He pointed to the two black buttons below the bow tie.

I pressed the button with one hand while pulling the bow tie harshly with my other. Two clicking sounds came from the chest and the doorway to the inside of the chest cracked open.

"Be careful!" William raised his voice.

"You said I needed some force to do it. Don't complain." I huffed crossing my arms, looking at his chest, which was only covered by a vest. Around the chest were metal pins with coils around them, being pushed back by more pins that seemed a bit loosened by the sudden opening of the suit. Those are spring locks and they are designed to be very difficult to tighten and Restore back without destroying any Hardware.

"Next, detaching the hands and arms. To allow safer use, some latches keep the arm in one piece during its active times and to disallow extreme and harsh movements for safety reasons. There are 3 three parts to remove. Hand, lower arm, upper arm. Lucky for you some latches and safety features that are the arms sturdy during suit mode have been snapped off or are no longer functional. I'll attempt to press the button within the chest cavities, to disable this feature and from the order of hand to upper arm firmly pull each part off. The hand has its own little part but you can pull it off." William explained the next steps, using his shoulder to click the button within the metal suit.

I heard a click or a few, unsure if it was of latches or spring locks.

"Hurry up and get the arms off," William said in pain. He gritted his teeth, holding back his harsh breathing and scream, which would only worsen the locks.

"Are you okay?" I looked inside of the chest cavity to check if he had set off one of the locks but he hadn't. It must have hurt him.

"Yes, an accident poked my shoulder with a lock. It's fine, it can take more than a poke to set off. They are new, so they can be safer known than when they get old and worn with time and usage." William reassured me.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora