27 - danced kissed

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Nobody was in the building but me, William and Henry, but they were chatting in another room, where I sat at a table in the main party room alone.

I looked at the stage made of wood with stairs behind the curtains to get up, the stage was too up the entire wall length for only two stupid things with curtains flowing down the sides and bundled up on the ground, obviously too long for this room height, but added this oddness to it. Imperfect perfection. Children would still find the curtain closing and opening magical as if it wasn't dragging along most of the waste along with it. It slit up each break. The times when Henry and William needed a break for a while before performing again. They only perform for about 3 hours, more hours on birthdays but 3 hours max with a break in between. The suits are still working progress, not fully operational. William seemed to be trying to allow Henry to learn and not drag him along as he knew everything. He was a good actor, pretending as if this was his something odd time doing this.

The stage was empty with the curtains open and pinned to each side, the bright dazzling lights sparkled down toward the stage. Imagine stepping onto the stage and dancing with the colourful spotlight showing off an elegant dance. A thought of before.

I zoned for a long while, dreaming, wishing for something better in life than this bull crap. Of hoping for something good to happen. God, how was I dragged into a mess like time jumping, skipping, time messing situation? What if there was a previous loop, and I was around? I couldn't have just appeared.

Maybe there was a life where William would at least take risks and realise it was too late to pull away from what we had. A life where Henry would understand how I felt. Richard deserves better, I knew sleeping around with him will only make him unhappy. We don't dream of the same future or want the same. I can't just let him go, though. I don't know, maybe I don't want to let go of knowing that someone can fill my time. Who else would I have if I just let Richard go? William is 'in love with his girlfriend or whatever she is to him and William keeps saying "never again."

I stood up and headed to the stage, wanting to know what it felt like to be on it. A curiosity that only every child that sees the stage way thinks. What does it feel like being the main attraction, the star of a show? I climbed up and felt my heart beat with joy and excitement as I pulled myself up onto the wooden stage.

I removed my shoes, making it easy for me as I stood in the centre with my head up with proudness and my imagination going wild. The harsh lights beamed down on me, not what I expected, yet I may have romanticised what they might be. It was completely different being in their bright gaze.

I began dancing. Unsure, when I learned how to dance I just knew how to, but in my head, I knew and remembered these dances, a past life. Maybe. It wasn't a skill I had learned from when my original loop or in any of them I was in, but I dance flawlessly, gracefully and elegantly. I hummed to keep myself on track with the dance. Maybe I was in other looks and I didn't know it. Maybe there were ways to remember. Trmggerable memories like when something makes you remember something else.

I was light as a feather, gently moving my arms with proper elegant twirls, without fail. I felt as if I had been dancing for years without actually dancing as such it would be required me to do things like this. It wasn't really a hobby or a path in life I never even thought about. I just knew how to dance and it did impress me.

A memory formed but it wasn't mine and it was only the first second of it, like an image. A blurry one with no idea how I retained this. It flickered to different parts as if a storyboard but skipped to the important parts.

I let everything go with every passing moment, letting my body let go of all of the stress.

Maybe something was wrong with me. This memory brought along feelings, this horrible sadness that was greater than me. I kept dancing, feeling as if I needed to dance away the sadness like I was ashamed to be Shamed to be sad. The sadness wasn't mine.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant