11 - Everything is different

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I woke up screaming and crying. A cold sweat covered my skin as the morning sun filled the room. Not my apartment, but the guest bedroom in Henry's house.

"Henry!" I screamed in fear, gasping for air. What happened? How did I get to Henry's when I was at mine? Did William take me over? Did he lie about what happened? What happened? My memories of last night are hazy as if it was a distant dream. Not truly real but felt real. What happened?

Henry rushed in, looking over at me, seeing me in tears.

"Hey hey. What's wrong." He hugged me. "Shush, no need to cry."

"I had a bad dream." I sniffled, crying into his chest, holding onto him for dear life.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Henry asked, gently stroking my back.

I nodded, crying more. "I was hanging around your friend, William. We got into a disagreement and he choked me, trying to kill me." I stopped, remembering how it felt to be choked. The fear of death looming over me. William. Is he dead? Did I kill him?

"Aw, (nickname), you don't need to fear. You know William, he would never hurt you. He has been my friend since uni. If I felt like he would harm someone or even you, I wouldn't be as close as I am with him. Plus, He has babysat you a few times and nothing bad happened." Henry stroked the back of my hair, like how a parent would comfort their child. What was he on about! My memories of what I knew were hazy but I was sure I found William on the streets. I made them meet. How could William babysit me when I met a month or so ago and that we were around similar ages? I was 20 and he was 23. Henry was 24. How could this be possible? Did Henry hit his head or something?

My childhood wasn't as blurry as my adulthood. Like things I have done can be doubted as if they were faded memories of a dream. Even last night there was foggy haze, faded like old pictures forgotten within time, and yet, I wasn't sure if it happened or not.

"Maybe, but it was really scary because I... I..." I cried more.

"How about pancakes for breakfast. I know how much you love pancakes." He smiled fatherly.

"I love your cooking, it doesn't matter what you make for breakfast, but make pancakes. Right now."

"Okay." Henry stood up, letting me compose myself, without needing his chest to cover my red, tearful face. I was a mess.

"Go now!" I rushed him, pushing him out of my room like a child. He laughed at me, enjoying me being like this. I felt younger, more wanting to be playful than I was before. My body didn't ache as if I never worked a day in my life. My feet never felt better, not aching with hours of standing in uncomfortable heels, walking back and forward with plates. What was wrong with me? My body moved along as if I wasn't a 20 year old with back pains and blisters on my feet. I had energy, a Will to have fun and try new stuff.

I really didn't want him in my room while I figure out what the fuck was going on. I can only be nice to him because it would be his fault for this mess. Henry had nothing to do with this, so yelling at him and scolding him for acting weird would only confuse me, and him.

I picked up my wallet from under my bed, where I normally hide it as a teen. Why would I assume it would be there? I have no idea. It was the first thing that came to my mind. I haven't lived in this room for a year but it was still fresh in my head. Every little place I knew I would lose my things at. Under my bed were boxes of old stuff for growing up I never really wanted to get rid of. Old photos of me and my parents. It was a reminder that I can't escape what I did. Down the side of my bed was a product bag, with those types of stuff in them. I didn't want that bag to be shown out in the open in my room.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz