17 - apologies and hugs

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I panted against William's chest, resting on his couch. His warm sweaty body against mine with a blanket covering our naked bodies. His arms around me holding me close to him with his head on top of mine. His body shivered in joy when I ran my fingers along his chest in slow motion, teasing him after doing what we did. We snuggled within the light of a lamp next to the couch.

I took a look at his pleased face. I yawned against him, enjoying this closeness, sadly it was only to clear away the sadness. Sex was sex and that was all this was, nothing more than to get rid of my sadness. It might not have been the bestest way to cope with this type of shit but mentally I couldn't give a crap. I needed closeness and this was the only way I could gain it.

"Thank you." I smiled, slightly lifting up to see his face properly. His arms wrapped around me so perfectly. It messed with my heart. That stupid thing needed to stop. I needed to stay out of my way from doing what I wanted.

"Listen, that was fun, but it's late and I have plans for tomorrow." He shoved me off him, getting up off the couch, giving me nothing but coldness. Did I do something wrong? How rude. If he didn't enjoy it we could have stopped and he could have gone crawling back to his girlfriend sooner.

"What the hell." I glared at him, slightly raising my voice. "If you didn't want it to happen you didn't have to agree." I crossed my arms with a thin blanket covering my breasts. The marks he made around my neck and shoulders were visible and clear. He took his time when we did it, teasing and fondling my body. How could he not have wanted it if he did what he wanted? "Are vulnerable women really your type? Godman, get some help."

"God's sake, Why do you think that?" William kept his voice low, yet loud in a way. It held anger even if it said in a loud whisper. "It isn't that nor it wasn't about us doing it on the couch. You woke me up at 3 in the morning, crying at my front door. Clare is upstairs. What were you thinking, using me to get rid of your sadness by sex, when my girlfriend is upstairs." He attempted to make me feel bad, I could see that in his firm tone of voice. What we did wasn't one person's act. I didn't force myself on him. How was this my goddamn fault?

"Okay. Go crawl back to her then. You don't need to make me feel bad." I sighed, relaxing back on the couch.

He got his briefs on. "I want you out of my house right in the morning." He demanded, pointing his finger at me as it was clear he wanted me gone. Fuck me then get all pissy about it. I don't know if he knew this but that wasn't happening. I was being a pain because why the fuck not.

"Fine. I'll call Henry straight in the morning to pick me up." I informed him, to ensure he doesn't have to be a pain about it. "Night night." I waved to him as he left.

I went to sleep uncomfortably on the couch. I tossed and turned, waking up at dawn when the sunlight peeked through the curtains of his dull living room. I stretched, feeling annoyed by how uncomfortable the couch was. I went back to sleep.

By the time, I got home, I already felt awkward in the car with Henry. He seemed itching to bombard me with questions. He made things even awkward with small talk to fill the empty silence I wanted. I felt embarrassed after this morning.

I sat on the couch, arms crossed and waiting to be told off or to see a disappointed look on his face. It wasn't the worst thing I have done. He sat calmly next to me, not angry or disappointed. He faced me with a soft smile, instead of what I thought.

"One thing at a time. You probably confused and mad at me but let me explain first." I said before he could say anything. "first, I'm sorry about ruining yesterday. I know you and William wanted to have a friend's outing and it was rude of me to spoil it for you and William, when you both kindly invited me out. Secondly, these marks around my neck. I have a little crush on a guy and I went over to him to have some time away from everything. I felt embarrassed and ashamed for having an outburst like that. I'm sorry for making you worry about where I was. Thirdly, I had a nightmare and started to panic, so I left the guy's house and went to William's for the comfort of familiar surroundings as I cried. I slept there. I and Clare chatted in the morning and she cut my hair short. Do you like it?" I showed off my new haircut, it went past my chin, but not shoulder length. It was in between my chin and shoulders, messy and puffy and I loved it.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Where stories live. Discover now