5 - work and pills

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I finished tidying the bookcase, after an hour or two searching for anything I could make my ideas make sense. I found collected, old bills, bank statements, old paychecks, a lot of stuff about him being foreign, insurance stuff, and a university degree in engineering.

I found A letter addressed to William. It was from the bank telling him that he wasn't allowed to get a loan. It was dated a few weeks back. Why would he need a loan? He seemed pretty well off.

I found a key. I should leave it where I found it. I wasn't going to steal a key, William might need it. I would have to check it out for another day. My body had enough of me pushing it to try and move around, standing for a while and trying to do general things. It took me ages to do anything.

I made my way to the kitchen, checking the cupboards for a cup. I found a medical cupboard, where pills sat. Empty and new. They look for prescribed medication. Sleeping pills and fluoxetine - an antidepressant. Cheap painkillers settled at the back, with medical kit stuff, plasters, bandages, alcoholic cream.

I better leave those alone and move on to another cupboard, plates, and there they were. Cups. I took on and filled it up with water, quickly consuming it.

I checked the fridge and saw what I could make for dinner. Maybe William would like a hot meal when he gets in. It was the least I could do for him. To be fair, I was looking through his stuff, trying together as much as possible. He might cheer up after getting a hot meal in his belly.

I found ordinary stuff inside the fridge, butter, milk, eggs, bacon, beer, fancy unopened red wine, cheese, and vegetables. Meat, cheese, and a carton of custard.

I looked through the freezer, looking for anything interesting to cook. I have never really been a good cook, actually terrible at it. Henry's meals were always Divine after eating nothing all day. I can only cook simple meals, but I might remember how to make stir fry. Through Henry's cooking, my mouth watered with enjoyment brought unpleasant memories but yummy ones.

I think Henry's parents were concerned about me. I can go over to him to be fed and bathed, but Henry always lied to his parents, saying he was being paid to look after me. His parents were proud of him, seeing him as a good boy. He was. I looked up at him. He was like an older brother to me.

He cared more about me than my parents did. I don't know how to explain to anyone how this feeling was. Not love love, but a family bond type of caring. I loved him like Some would love and care for a family member.

I got the idea of making stir fry tonight. I laid around all day with attempts of searching for stuff. It was hard to continue to push my body to do daily activities. It only caused me pain.

- later -

I settled onto the kitchen chair, sitting there for a while as I slowly consumed my hot meal. It was alright, not as good as Henry's meals, but it will do.

I heard William enter the house. He grunted in annoyance and proved it was him.

"(Y/n)?" He called out.

"In here!" I yelled back, taking a sip of water.

It was half 7 in the afternoon, he must be hungry and tired. I could question him if he was in the mood for a small chat over dinner, which I was almost done with.

After 10 minutes of waiting, William stood at the doorway of the kitchen, looking at me. He looked worn out and tired with wet hair and wearing a white vest and trousers.

"Tough day?" I asked, watching him. He ignored me, not bothering with nice pleasantries, commonly used when you have a house guest over. I guess no small talk. A nice evening with a chat and some progress in our friendship. He wasn't planning to not be Henry's friend. So if Henry and William are best buddies, then it would be better for me to try and get along. Maybe gain something from it. That is how it worked. If I don't like someone and Henry does, I better well make a worth out of the friendship.

Endless loop of madness  -  William afton X reader Where stories live. Discover now