358. BSM - You're Dating A Magcon Boy

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(Age 16)

"Y/N, are you dating Nash?" "How long have you and been Nash dating?" "You two make such a cute couple" "Does Harry know you guys are dating?"

Those were just four of the very many tweets you had received that day. Dating Nash was supposed to be a secret, but with your brother being famous, paparazzi felt the need to follow you around too.

As soon as Harry walked through the door of the hotel room, you slammed your laptop shut.

"Oh! Hi Y/N," Harry says.

"Hi," You say quietly.

"So, I've noticed you've been going out a lot," He says with a smirk.

"Yeah, I've just been sight seeing and all," You answer.

"Sight seeing in a city you've never been to before?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.


"Then why do papparazzi have so many pictures of you and a boy at Starbucks and the mall?" He presses.

"What boy?" You ask, your voice getting high pitched as it does whenever you lie.

"The boy with the brown hair and green eyes," He answers.

"They are blue, thank you very much!" You shout, "They're actually a really pretty, bright blue. Like, if you saw then you'd love them, but that'd be kinda weird 'cause-" You began to ramble.

"Yeah, yeah, so there is a boy!" Harry shouts accusingly.

You sigh, "Yeah, his name is Nash."

"The boy you watch on vine all of the time?" He questions.

A pink blush spreads across your face, "Yeah."


(Age 18)

You had met Taylor Caniff when you went to a Magcon show months ago, and as of now the two of you were dating despite the long distance. Although, when you did get to see one another, your time wasn't exactly spent holding hands and skipping through daisies, you did what many other teenagers did at your age.

He hovered above, your arms wrapped lazily around his neck neck, pulling him closer as your lips stayed attached in a heated makeout session. Your tongues brushed against one another's every few seconds as the minutes carried on until you hear a voice clear their throat.

You and Taylor immediately pulled away from each other and looked over to see Liam standing there awkwardly. A pink blush is present on his face.

You and Taylor quickly seperated from one another, wiping excess saliva from your mouths.

"I was just coming to see your new apartment, but I can tell you're busy, so I'll just come back later," He says before walking out of your room.

"Wow," You whisper to Taylor just in case Liam was still in earshot, "I'm surprised he didn't yell or anything."

Liam's head popped back into your room, "And Taylor, if I ever catch your hands on my sister again I won't hesitate to kill you." After that he left officially, and you were sure of it when you heard the front door open and close.

You smiled, "That sounds more like the Liam I know."


(Age 20)

You were walking home in the rain with your boyfriend of two years, Cameron Dallas and Eleanor and Louis. A few weeks ago he had asked you to move in, and of course you said yes, so he flew out help you move stuff so you could love to America with him. You were pretty excited about, so the two of you went out on a celebratory double date with El and Louis.

"That was so much fun," You laughed to Eleanor. You smiled brightly at the thought of everything in your life, especially the two goofy, immature boys walking in front of you.

"You really love him, don't you?" Elesnor's voice asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah. He's a great guy. I'm glad him and Louis get along well," You gush.

Cameron pops up beside you, gripping your small hand in his large one before kissing you on the cheek.

"Thanks, babe," He whispers in your ear.


(Age 13)

What you and Hayes has was mutual. You knew it wouldn't turn into anything serious considering the two of you were just thirteen. The long distance didn't really help all that much either, but once again, it wasn't going to turn into anything serious.

Zayn had allowed you to come on tour with them, and sense the boys were in North Carolina for their tour, you invited Hayes to the hotel to play video games. The boys had went out for a photoshoot and an interview and you figured, why not?

It had been fun so far the only problem was you kept losing because had no clue what you were doing.

"No fair," You pout as he beat you again, "I suck at this game."

Hayes laughed, setting his controller down before walking over and sitting down behind you. His arm found his way around yours, and you swore you could've died right then and there.

"You just press this button to shoot and this one to duck," He says. "And whenever you're in the water, you press this button to crawl."

"Thanks," You smile, looking back at him. That's when you realized how close your faces were. I mean, his lips were right there, and how awesome would it be to say you had your very kiss with Hayes Grier? And that's when it happened.

He leaned down and your lips a four second peck before pulling away. A blush spread across your face because, come on, first kisses are pretty awkward.

You heard the hotel door and the two do you quickly seperated.

"Hey, Y/N. Hey, Hayes," Zayn says with a smile, "What's going on here?"

"Nothing," You and Hayes say in unison.


(Age 17)

You were a dancer and a very good one at that. You had invited Niall and Carter to a very important dance competition of yours in Los Angeles, California.

It was rumored that some of the judges there would be from really big dance colleges and you've longed to go to one of those colleges sense you first started dancing.

You had told Carter your brother would be there, and you told Niall that your boyfriend would be there, but neither one of them new each other even thought Niall was in an insanely popular boy band and Carter was a well known viner.

You stood on stage and before you started, you spotted the two boys sitting right next to each other, completely oblivious that they'd soon know each other.

The music started and you started dancing.

"That's my girlfriend," Carter says to Niall who is, at the moment, a stranger to him. "She's the one of front, in the middle. Isn't she gorgeous?" He asks, looking over at the boy beside him who smiles in return.

"That's my sister," Niall chuckles. "I take it you're Y/N's boyfriend?"

"Yeah. I take it you're Y/N's brother?"

Niall nods, sticking out his hand, "Niall."

Carter shakes his hand before speaking, "Carter."

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