362. He ask you to sign a prenup

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"I sign a what?"
"A prenup." Zayn came over to where you were sat on the sofa and faced you.
"Yeah ok....what's one of those?"
He shifted slightly in his seat, previously hoping that he wouldn't have to explain what it was.
"A Prenuptial agreement. It's, well, in case something happens...like I die, or you die, or, god forbid, we divorce later....well it just sorts things out a bit."
You smiled and nodded. "Ok but what..."
Zayn smiled at your cluelessness and sat back against the cushions following your gaze up to the TV, now feeling a bit more relaxed. "Well we get some lawyers and look at what we've got and basically divide it." You nodded again not really taking as much notice as you were trying to make out and Zayn knew that. It was getting dark outside and the last thing you wanted was a massive discussion about anything really.
"Ok. That sounds like it makes sense."
"Really? So..." You turned to face him, placing your legs over his.
"Yes." Zayn look relieved that you weren't against the idea.
"I think we might have to talk about this again because if I'm honest I'm still a little confused but not now...." You yawned, doing a little shake afterwards. "I'm tired...sorry."
Zayn brought your head into his shoulder and stroked the tips of his fingers through your hair.
"Ok. Later." He whispered as you shut your eyes.

"I'm sorry what?"
"I just think it might be a good idea."
You stood up and walked to the other side of the room. What began as a simple discussion about the wedding before work soon turned into something else.
"A good idea? You do know they don't always stand up in court."
"But it's a start."
You placed your mug down on the side of the sink just so you didn't drop it.
"I mean...you need to look at this logically..."
"I am looking at it logically and I'm saying it is pointless."
Liam got up and walked over to you. You backed away from him so he decided to lean on the sink instead.
"It just means..."
"I know what it means...I'm a lawyer, I've done them before and I'm telling you they don't always work. It money that could be spent elsewhere on better things."
You left the kitchen, picking up your car keys on the way into the hallway, fed up of talking to Liam now.
"So we'll talk about it later?" he shouted after you. You shut the front door trying not to slam it and show him how annoyed you were, not at him suggesting a prenup but him assuming you didn't know what it was or how it worked.
"No we will not be talking about it." You said to yourself as you got into your car and pulled out of the drive.

You didn't usually find it hard to speak to Niall. It was so easy, anything could be brought up, any subject any time, but this one seemed too tricky for you. You'd got up that morning at 6 because you couldn't sleep. You didn't really want to offend Niall by suggesting a prenup as you knew some people might feel that way, but your parents and gotten one and it seemed to pay off with everything when your dad decided to leave your mum and he was leaving tomorrow for another tour, so maybe now was the time to talk about it. You sat at the table cuddling round a cup of tea until you heard someone descending the stairs at about half past.
"What are you doing up?" you heard Niall's concerned voice on entering the kitchen.
"Maybe I should be asking you the same thing." You giggled to yourself before taking a sip of your cold tea. Not that you minded it was cold.
"Just erm...couldn't sleep." He said quietly before flicking the kettle. He sat across the table from you with his empty mug, before remembering and putting it back next to the kettle behind him.
"It's my last day today." He said quietly. You just nodded trying not to think about it.
"Niall, You know the wedding..."
"Yeah?" he asked cautiously, sounding slightly frightened.
"Well what about before...I mean I thin..."
"Yes." He said quickly, breathing out a little.
You looked at him confused. "What do you mean yes?"
"I mean yes. I'm not going to lie. I was going to ask you what you thought about the idea anyway but I didn't want to sound really rude and horrible or anything."
"Ask me about what?"
"About a prenup, before the wedding obviously." You shook your head still confused. "Your friend...Poppy? The lawyer friend; well she rang the other day and said you'd been speaking about it with her and you do talk in your sleep sometimes babe."
You looked down at your cold tea in embarrassment. You knew you spoke in your sleep sometimes, but you thought it was a bit weird and embarrassing that Niall was listening.
He leant on the table in front of him and bopped your nose causing you to crinkle it up. "Don't worry, it's cute."

"So what you think we won't last?"
"No that's not what I said." Louis realised his grip around your stomach as you turned away from him in your double bed.
"But that is what you're saying isn't it?" You muttered to yourself.
"No that is not what I'm saying." You felt him sit up and place his hand just behind your shoulder blade so he could sit and talk over you. "I'm sorry I bought it up." He leant in placing a kiss just below your ear. He then laid back down, knowing you didn't want to talk about it any longer as the anger welling in your stomach began to back down as well. "I just thought...well you never know what might happen."
With that comment you'd had it. You sat up abruptly and faced him.
"Never know? Are you planning on leaving me soon after we are married? Because at this rate we won't be getting married at all." You almost shouted.
He attempted to sit back up to possibly comfort you but the look on his face seemed like he wanted an argument.
"Babe I didn't mean that..."
"You didn't mean that? I didn't know you planned on leaving me and your two young children to fend for themselves Mr 'you-don't-need-to-work-if- you- don't- want- to-because-you-got-me-babe'."
"It was just a question. God." He exclaimed pulling the duvet back over him as he turned over
"It was a question but there was no need for the comment."
Louis switched the light off disregarding your words not wanting to carry on this 'little talk' he'd suggested.
You swung your legs out of the bed picking up your pillows from where your head was previously and reaching into the cupboard for a spare duvet.
"Where are you going?" Louis groaned.
"Well seen as it doesn't seem like you're into this whole marrying thing, I don't think I'm into this whole 'sharing-a-bed-thing', so I'll be sleeping in the guest room."
And you finished bundling up the bedding and partially slammed the door on leaving.

"(Y/N)...." Harry said elongating every letter as he entered the bedroom from having a shower.
"Harry." You said matching his tone.
"I was thinking. In the shower."
"Yeah that's a good place to think." You said, still not moving from your sleeping position facing away from him.
"And I was thinking..." you heard him move over to the dressing table.
"What about?" you groaned eager for him to finish so you could go back to sleep.
He fiddled around with some things, going through a draw and snapping some boxers around his hips.
His voice became quieter as he left the room again.
"I was thinking about your mum was saying the other day." He shouted.
He was very vague with his statement. Your mum had spoken about a lot of things when you'd seen her at her anniversary dinner. You and your siblings and all your family were there as well and, your mum being extremely talkative didn't stop talking.
He came back into the room and finished his words before you could say anything.
"You now about money, and things and prenups. What do you think about them by the way?
You sighed. "Well to sign one of those, surely we have to be planning to get married don't we?" you huffed.
You felt the bed next to you lower a little. "Well...."
Harry ducked as you launched the pillow from the side of your head at him.
"If this is your way of proposing to me, think again mate." You grinned as he wrapped his hands around your stomach.
"I was just thinking. Testing the waters." he said kissing the back of your neck.
You smirked felling his breath on the back of your neck. "Yeah, it better be."

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