360. BSM- He Catches You Fangirling Over Another Boy

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Age seventeen in all


You were on the phone with your best friend, gushing to her about how perfect Liam Payne is.

"He's just so hot!" You whisper-shout considering your brother is downstairs.

"You're so lucky, you've actually met him! Have you seen his abs?" She asks in a rushed tone.

"Seen them? I felt them! Well, I actually kind of fell on him when he was shirtless and started subtly feeling them, but that still counts as feeling, right?"

"Duh! Gosh, I really hate you right now!" You could already imagine her her rolling eyes with a silly grin on her face.

You hear a small giggle from behind you and turn around to see your brother with a wide smirk on his face and not only him but also Liam.

"I..um..I have to go. Bye!" You say, quickly throwing your phone on your bed just as the two boys' laughter fill your ears.

"If it makes you feel any better, Y/N, I had no clue you were feeling me up when you fell," Liam laughs.

"No, it doesn't!" A blush makes its way across your face, and the laughter doesn't seem to be dying down. You pick up a pillow from your bed and aim at their heads. "Get out!"


You had invited your friend over for a sleepover, completely forgetting that the boys were also supposed to be coming over, not that you were complaining.

"Hey, Lou. I didn't know you were having the boys over," You say, dropping your bag on the floor by the front door.

"I told you yesterday that they were coming over."

"Okay, well, quick question; don't you have your own flat to go to?"

"Yes, but for now I'm staying here."

"Whatever, come on Amy." You take a grip on Amy's wrist and lead her towards your room, shutting your door afterwards.

"You never told me they were so hot!" She beams as she sits on your bed.

"Yeah I did! You just never listened to me!" You defend before slipping off your shoes.

"Niall's the blonde, right?" She asks. You nod. "He's so cute! I can understand why he's your favorite! His eyes are so blue!" She rushes out

"I know! He's just so perfect!"

Another voice chimes into the conversation this time, "I'm glad you think that about Niall. I'll be sure to tell him."

You turn around to face your brother, "Louis, I swear if you tell him I'll-"

"You'll what?" He smirks.

You let out a sigh, "Please, Louis?"

"Well since you said please.....Niall!" He takes off into the living, already telling the entire band what you and your friend had said about Niall.


"Oh! Zayn is, like, so, like, cute! I'm, like, totally jealous of, like, Perrie Edwards! Zayn should, like, totally be with, like, me!" Harry mocks from beside you on the couch.

"Harry, shut up! I don't talk like that and I didn't say like that much!" You defend.

"I just can't believe you like Zayn," Harry says.


He shrugs. "You just usually go for guys the opposite of Zayn. Blonde hair, green eyes, and Zayn is no where near that. What makes him different?"

"His gorgeous hazel eyes, his personality, the way he sings, his face when he laughs. He's just so amazing!" You ramble.

"Or should you say amazayn," Harry jokes, elbowing you gently in the ribs.

You stare blankly at your brother, "Jokes were not meant for you, Harry."


"Have I ever told you how hot your brother is?" You ask Lottie quietly as the two of you make your way to her room.

Lottie is a good friend of yours despite the small age difference between you two. You've been best friends ever sense the band got together, so it's not a shocker that you two hang out often.

Today the boys were all coming over to Louis' parents house for some sort of dinner thing for the band.

"Have I ever told you how gross that is?" She retorts.

"Oh come on, you call my brother hot all the time."

"Correction, I call your brother cute not hot," She informs.

"Same thing." You shrug. "Besides, it's true. Have you seen him shirtless?"

"Yes, he's my brother; I've seen him naked," She pauses for a moment, "But that was when I, like, two."

"Lucky you," You mutter, "How could you not want to push him up against a wall and—"

"Y/N, I hope you were planning on finishing that sentence appropriately." You turn around to see Liam standing in the doorway along with the rest of the band. A look of shock crosses your face seeing as they weren't supposed to be home for hours.

You blush deeply, "Yeah, of course." 


You were watching the latest One Direction interview, paying very close attention to a certain member known as Harry. Everytime he laughed his dimples would pop up and he would just blurt out the most random thing, which was one of the things you loved most about him.

"Why do you have to be so adorable, Harry?" You ask more towards yourself than the video flashing across your computer screen.

When you were done watching the interview, the feels were indescribable—as always—and you couldn't help but let out a small squeal, thinking you were home alone until Niall's voice rang through your ears.

"Harry girl much?" He asks.

"What are you talking about? How long have you been standing there?"

"Every time Harry started talking your eyes lit up and you got that silly grin on your face," He says, walking over to you.


"Does somebody like Harry?" Niall teases with a large smile on his face.

"Maybe," You answer, hiding your blushing face in your hands.

"Aw! That's so cute!" He laughs when you lift your head away from your heads and pinches your cheek only for you to slap his hand away in the process.

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