372. He misses your first child's birth

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Louis: It was the exact thing Louis never wanted to happen. He was so concerned that it would, but you assured him that it would all be okay. You were still weeks away from your due date, though only a couple, and so you were sure he would be fine not being home in that time. As long as he was back before you were due, it would be okay. At least that's what you told him, but now as you laid there having just given birth, you were in tears. "I told him to leave. I told him it was okay. It's my fault he's not here." As you were saying that to your best friend, Louis walked through the door. You were just waiting for his anger to come out. He had been so scared of this, and it was all your fault it happened. "I'm so sorry Louis." Seeing you there, with your son in your arms, Louis couldn't be angry. It wouldn't change anything, not now. "That's not important [Y/N].... Can I hold him?"

Niall: You were due in only two days, and so you knew it was coming. Sending Niall to the store to get a few things seemed okay though. He would be gone maybe an hour, and then home yet again. You were both sure nothing could happen in that time, but you were wrong. Within only five minutes your water broke. You quickly called Niall, needing him home. You cursed, as you heard his phone ringing from inside your house. Your quickly hung up, and seeing no other option, dialed the emergency number. It took only five minutes for an ambulance to get there, and by that time you needed to push. It was so sudden. "Let's try to get to the hospital," they told you, but you shook your head. "No." It was impossible to fight. Niall wasn't there, you were in the middle of your living room, but it didn't matter, you had to push. "It's a girl," you heard someone say. as soon as the pain was gone, "It's a little girl." "What is going on?!" Niall was home now, only a minute late. You laughed, "We have a daughter."

Harry: "Do they think it's anything serious?" Harry asked you, after you called him from the hospital. You were having pains, and out of nerves rushed to the doctor, but they were lessening now. "No, I don't think so. He said it could have been maybe false labor." "Well let me know what it is, and if i need to be there, I can fly home," Harry replied. You just laughed. as your doctor came into the room, "You won't have to. Anyway, I have to go. I'll call you right back." You smiled at your doctor, "So what it is?" It was then that you noticed he was not smiling. "Is something wrong?" "We have to rush you in for an emergency c-section. He is okay, but if we don't get him out now, he may not be." Your heart was pounding, as tears welled up in your eyes, "I-I-I I have to call Harry." The doctor understood, "Five minutes." The call didn't take that long. You could barely speak to Harry, who was already on the next flight home, by the time your son was born only twenty minutes later. Harry was not there, and you were in shock. This wasn't how things were supposed to happen.

Liam: There was only so much preparing you and Liam could do for the birth of your first child. You read a million books. Went to classes. You did everything you possibly could, but you weren't ready at all when you went into labor a month early, and Liam wasn't there. He was away for just the day, and wasn't supposed to miss anything. You had a class the very next day he was going to with you, and had no plans to miss. How could one day away mean he would miss the only thing that really mattered? You were so happy, but it was bittersweet, as you held your little girl for the first time, "Your Daddy loves you so, so much, and he wanted to be here. I know you won't remember this, but he wanted to be here so much." You wanted to feel that total joy you expected over the birth of your child, but it was so hard without Liam there. The happiness would come later, once Liam was with you and your daughter, but for now you just held her in your arms, and tried not to cry.

Zayn: "I can't believe I missed it. I can't believe I wasn't here," Zayn repeated over and over again, as he held your daughter for the first time. She was already a few hours old, and he was just now seeing her for the first time. He had been on a flight home from across the world when she was born. When he left he knew you were due in only a week, but your doctor seemed sure you would go over, and assured him he was okay to leave. He had been gone only a day, and would have been home in another two, when you'd gone into labor. He rushed home, hoping you had a long labor, but it didn't work that way. You gave birth, and three hours later he showed up, and was now holding his little girl. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here." You smiled at your husband and daughter, and shook your head, "Don't be, I told you it was okay too. We both thought it would be fine. She just wanted to prove that she was in control, and that we had no right to think she would actually wait for us."

One Direction Preferences book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora