368. After a fight, he begs you to stay

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Zayn: You couldn't take it anymore. It was one fight too many. Just one fight to push you over the edge, and you screamed those awful words. "I'm leaving!" As soon as they fell from your lips, the fight did not matter to Zayn. Whatever he had been upset over, it didn't seem important now. All he could think of, was losing you. "Please, please don't go [Y/N]. I don't want to lose you. Please." "I don't want to fight anymore," you replied, with tears in your eyes. You didn't want to go, but you just couldn't stay if all it meant was more arguing. You couldn't argue anymore. Was that really worth staying for? "Please, don't leave. We'll work this out." Your love for Zayn was almost strong enough to make you forget all you'd just yelled at each other. Almost. "But we can't just not fight. That's not healthy, to just ignore what we're thinking." "Well we just need to work on better ways to talk at least. Don't go. Give us one more chance." You had no faith in this working, not after all the fights, but it wouldn't hurt to just try. "Next time, I won't stay."

Liam: "What are you doing?" Liam asked, after walking into your bedroom after a horrible fight, to see you throwing things into a bag. You stopped what you were doing, and looked at your boyfriend, "I don't want to do this anymore. It's not worth it at all. I'm leaving." "Over one fight?" Liam asked that, but other than those few words, had no idea what to say. The fight was bad, that was undeniable, but he never thought you would leave him over it. "It's just best I go. I know that, and I'm not going to try to pretend I don't." "It's not for the best," Liam responded, still trying to find the right words to say. Actual thoughts left his mind, and all he could think was, "Don't leave me. Please, please don't go." "You say that now, but in the middle of a fight, what would you say?" "Isn't this the middle of a fight? We were arguing, and you walked out, and came in here to pack. How is this not the middle of a fight? And I'm saying right now, don't leave."  You were now the one at a lost for words, as his words sunk in. Even in this horrible moment, he did not want to lose you. "Please don't leave [Y/N]. Please."

Niall: "If I want to go, you can't just beg me to stay and change that!" you yelled at Niall. "I can't force you, but I can ask you. I can tell you I don't want to lose you. I can beg you to stay. You don't have to, but I can," he argued back. He knew very well that if he just let you go without trying to make you stay, he would regret it forever. He loved you too much, to just let you go without a fight. "Well it's not going to change anything. I'm leaving, and that's it. You can't change that." Niall's heart was breaking, as he tried one last time to beg you to stay, "Please don't go. You say I can't change your mind by begging, and I don't want you to stay if you really don't want to. But don't you want to try? How can one fight push you away this much." "Because it's something I never want to go through again. I love you too much to ruin us by fighting," you snapped back, wishing he would just understand. Right now, you could walk away without the pain of a horrible breakup. It was just a broken heart. It would heal more than the pain of fighting over and over again. "We could try not to fight. We could really try. Please, just don't go." "We could try, sure," you shrugged sadly, "But if it doesn't work, what's the point?" Niall did understand your side of things, but losing you didn't feel like the better option at all. "The point is we tried. Please, don't leave."

Harry: In anger Harry sometimes screamed things he regretted. You both did at actually, but this time it was his turn to say the words that hurt. Maybe he did not regret them right away, not in that very moment at least, but he already knew he would. Typically it would be a few hours later, once the fight was over, when he would begin to regret the words he'd said in anger. As he was thinking that, knowing he would regret what he'd just said to you, you screamed words back at him that made his regret instantaneous. "Fine, then I'll leave!" "No! Don't do that!" "Why?! Why would you want me to stay?!" Harry's world felt like it was falling apart at the thought of losing you. You argued sure, probably more than you should, but at the end of the day, you were each others world. "I love you so much [Y/N], and no matter what stupid things we say, I don't want to ever lose you. Please, don't go. We just need to learn to communicate better, and learn to not say all those hurtful things." "As if it's that easy." You rolled your eyes. "It's not like we ever want to hurt each other, it just happens. So why should I stay?" "I don't want to lose you, please stay. I can't give a better reason than that. I just don't want you to leave. Please." "If things stay the same, then I won't stay for long."

Louis: "Please don't go [Y/N], please," Louis begged, after you screamed 3 words that ripped into his heart. "I am leaving," you repeated, and refused to look at Louis. You were so angry. It was all over one stupid fight. It just felt like it would never end. It was going on and on, and you knew walking away would finally stop it all. "I'm sorry, please don't go." Louis' apology seemed so pointless now. You had wanted it an hour ago, not now. Not as you finally screamed the words you never wanted to say. "If you didn't want me to leave, why did you say all you did in the last hour? If you are sorry, why didn't you say it sooner?!" There was so much tension and anger in the room, and Louis was unsure if his words could fix any of that, but he tried. "I should have. I'm sorry I didn't. I don't want to lose you though. Please, please don't go." You still felt so much anger. You still felt ready to scream at him forever. You also felt the love for Louis you had, that would not just go away. "I don't want to leave, but I don't want to argue either. Can we just stop this. Talk it out, and end this fight already?" Louis began to answer right away, but then stopped. You were both still very upset, and that thought changed his answer. "We should talk it out, but in an hour. Once we've both calmed down a little." "Okay, then we'll talk."

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