332. He gets a bad stomach ache.

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Harry: Last night you and your boyfriend, Harry, had gone out clubbing. Since Harry had already taken five shots within the first hour, you took it upon yourself to be the designated driver. Now it was 9:30 the next morning and sunshine was steaming in through the blinds on your bedroom window. You sat up and stretched, having slept quite well the previous night. Harry, however, was the opposite. He shifted into the fetal position, clutching his stomach. "Y/N," he groaned, "It hurts." You let out a light giggle. "Aww," you cooed, "Does little Harry have a tummy ache?" You poured your lip to add to the theatrics. He gave you a death glare. You smiled back, but got up to get him some Advil and Gatorade. Then you trotted back up the stairs to where Harry awaited in your shared bedroom. "Here, Haz," you say handing him the medicine and drink, "Take this." He obeyed. While Harry downed the painkiller, you went over to the blind to close them, knowing the light was like daggers to Harry. You turned around and saw your boyfriend laying on the bed staring back at you and stretching out his hand as a request to cuddle with you. You took his hand and slid next to him. He immediately nestled his head into your neck and you stroked his hair soothingly. Soon, you both fell into a peaceful sleep in each others' arms.

Niall: You had been assembling a play kitchen as a birthday gift for your soon-to-be-four year old niece with Niall, your boyfriend, when you noticed something was missing. "Hey, babe?" you asked Niall. "Mmhmm?" he responded, not looking up from the oven he was putting together. "Where's the plastic cake that came with this?" Niall froze. "What?" he asked completely shocked. "Niall, you didn't," you whispered. "It was so realistic and I was so hungry!" he said trying to excuse his relatively inexcusable action. "Come on, Niall!" you groaned, "You're better than this!" He looked down at his lap. "Can you just take me to the hospital, please?" he requested, barely audible. You rolled your eyes, grabbed Niall by the arm, and dragged him to the car. After explaining your predicament to the doctors, they said he was in need of a minor procedure to remove the "cake". The surgery went smoothly and Niall was back on his feet in no time. From then on, though, he vowed never to build a play kitchen again.

Louis: Your boyfriend, Louis, came home from the gym groaning and moaning. He walked right into your shared house and plopped down on the couch where you were watching TV. You giggled at his obvious physical discomfort. "How was your workout, babe?" you joked. He glared at you, momentarily pausing his continuous grumbling. Knowing he needed it, you got up and trotted the short distance to the fridge to get him a water. When you presented it to him, he gladly accept and twisted it open, taking short and small sips as to not upset his stomach more. After quenching his thirst, the childish Louis came out. "Y/N, my tummy hurts," he complained while pointing to the offending area. "Aww, poor baby," you said, pouring your lip, "Does Louis want me to rub it for him?" He nodded. "Mmhmm," he mumbled. You cuddle up into his chest and rubbed his stomach for him. You two sat like this for the rest of the day, periodically getting up to switch the movie you were watching.

Zayn: For your anniversary, Zayn had taken you to Australia. You had an amazing time. The water was beautiful, and the scenery was breathtaking. Of course, all good things must come to an end, and today you two came home. Since you resided in the United States, Zayn had moved into your apartment with you. Because of the great time difference, you both were suffering from a bad case of jetlag. For some reason, Zayn seemed to be worse off then you. Ever since you landed, he'd been complaining of a stomach ache. You told him to go up to bed and sleep it off. While Zayn slumbered, you laid next to him and read a book. That was two hours ago. Now Zayn started to stir. "Y/N," he groaned, "It hurts." You gave him a sympathetic look and kissed his cheek. "I'll be right back," you said. You jogged downstairs and got some Dramamine and a bottle of water. "Here. Take this," you commanded after returning to Zayn's side once again. He chugged down the pills in one gulp and thanked you. You then told him to turn on his side and scratched his back. He soon fell asleep again to you rubbing his back and arms and humming a soft tune.

Liam: Last night you had insisted on cooking for your boyfriend. Unfortunately, you hadn't gotten the memo that Liam, your boyfriend, was lactose intolerant. He didn't say anything because the dish you prepared usually didn't call for dairy. Of course, this was your interpretation of that recipe. The next day was spent with Liam rolling around the bed and grunting in pain. "I'm sorry, Liam," you announced to him while he continued to suffer, "If I had known..." You trailed off, not sure how to excuse your mistake. "It's ok, love," he affirmed, grabbing your hand, "You didn't know." You just frowned harder. Liam was in so much pain. Then it hit you. Your family had an age old remedy for stomach aches. You raced downstairs and put all of the required ingredients of the "Savior Shake", as you called it. You decided to pour the contents into solid color cup, as it didn't looking very appetizing. Then you rejoined Liam by the bed and handed him the glass. "Drink it," you commanded and he immediately obeyed. Within the next half hour he was back to his normal, fun self.

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