336. You Work For Him And He Falls For You

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Harry: You've been cutting the boys hair for several months, taking Lou's spot after she decided to quit in favor of a slower paced life. You're young and traveling the world with an internationally famous boy band sounds like a dream come true. The boys were welcoming and made your transition into their lifestyle an easy one. Except Harry. He took Lou leaving the worst and he made it hard for you. He didn't want you cutting his hair so he usually went elsewhere but now that you're on tour, he can't do that anymore. He sits in front of you, arms crossed as you trim his precious hair. "If you'd stop fidgeting, I'd be done quicker and you could be elsewhere" you huff, sick of his antics as you glare at him in the reflection of the mirror. He rolls his eyes and you contemplate cutting all his hair but just throw your scissors to the ground. "You do it then. I'm sorry Lou quit and I'm sorry you hate me so much, but I'm just doing my job! The other boys are fine with me being here and I get that you were the most attached but grow the fuck up" you shout, turning to leave the room but he stops you. He pushes you back against the sink in front of him before leaning into you, lips pressing to yours but you still don't understand. "I don't hate you. I was sad Lou was leaving because so was Lux and then you came along and look at you... you're so, fit and I didn't want to like you but I do. A lot. Can you forgive me for being a prick?" he asks against your lips and you nod, because what else do you do? He bends to pick up the scissors and hands them to you with a smile and from then on, things are very different between the two of you.

Liam: You've been hired as the newest travel nurse. The boys have been getting sick lately and you've just gotten you're RN when Paul hired you. Your chief resident had recommended you based on your high marks and your easy personality that put many patients at ease. You were on hand for any situation, should it be an illness or an injury. Liam was obviously your top concern due to his single kidney but he quickly put your fears at ease because he was in top physical health. You find him waiting outside your hotel room door, cradling his arm to his chest and you sigh. You lead him into your room and sit him on the bed before getting your medical bag out. You take a look at his wrist, running your fingers over the bruises but don't feel that anything's broken. "What happened?" you question. "I fell for you" he says with a smile and you roll your eyes. He always has a line ready and they usually make you blush. You wrap his wrist with a bandage, bracing the bone to steady it until it's healed before getting him a bag of ice. "Original" you scold playfully. "Don't you wonder why I'm the one that's always here? I'm never sick but I'm the one you see most?" he asks, standing and you swallow the lump in your throat. He smiles down at you, slanting his lips against yours and you sigh. "I'll see you later, with some other fake illness," he tells you and you giggle.

Niall: "You can't wear that" you tell Niall, flipping through your magazine on the couch. "Why not?" he asks and you roll your eyes. "1. That isn't what I set out for you to wear and 2. That doesn't even match" you tell him, looking up at his green pants and blue and red plaid shirt. "This was on the bed" he argues and you scoff. "It was not" you assure him, tossing your magazine aside to stand. You lead him back into his room to find the outfit you had picked out still lying on the bed. You sigh, being the stylist for One Direction could be trying sometimes and this was one of those times. Photo shoots were the worst and sometimes it seemed like the boys just wanted to mess with you, especially Niall. "Niall... that's the outfit I laid out. Where the hell did this come from?" you gesture, setting your hand on your hip and he shrugs. "Got you in my room didn't I?" Niall smirks, stepping into you while wrapping his arms around you. Your breath hitches because Niall's wrapped you in his arms before but never like this. His lips push against yours before he tosses you to the bed. "I'd rather wear you" he says boldly and from then on, nothing changes besides the fact that you're together.

Louis: "You're going in here to KIIS FM," you instruct Louis. You had just replaced the band's PR person and were on your fourth straight day of organizing interviews with the boys. All the other boys had finished with their interviews and Louis was the last one of the day, meaning you had to stay with him until he was finished for 'management reasons'. You didn't agree exactly with how the people more important than you ran the boy's careers, but that was not your place to say anything. As you take your spot by the door, Louis takes his seat in front of the mic and puts on the headphones. As the interview progresses you can tell that Louis is getting annoyed with the questions Dave Sebastian is asking, but know that you can't say anything. As Louis becomes more and more frustrated you finally open your mouth, "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but Louis your Mom is on the phone outside." He looks at you in confusion before catching on to what you were doing. "Sorry mate, I've got to take this, it was nice talking to you," he says shaking Dave's hand and walking out the door you had held open. As the two of you make your way out into the hallway Louis puts his arm around your waist with a smile, "Thanks (y/n), we're definitely going to have to keep you around." You laugh as he winks at you and put your arm around his waist.  

Zayn: "Do you think you can go higher than that?" You ask Zayn. "How high do you want?" he asks a little confused. "I'm thinking a G if you can," you say after humming the scale in your head. You were working one on one with Zayn in the studio for the afternoon, as he had missed a day in the studio to go home and was behind in recording. You play back the music in his headphones and he begins to sing the line again. You cut him off again when he doesn't quite hit the pitch you were looking for. You wave him out of the booth and into the studio. "Hum with me," you encourage as Zayn makes his way to the chair in front of you. You hum the scale together until you reach the G you were looking for. "That's it," you say as he holds out the desired note.  You nod back towards the booth and he walks back to try the line again. You play the music back again and Zayn begins to sing. You close your eyes listening for the pitch you had requested of him and as he hits it you smile and nod. You open your eyes and stop the music, smiling at Zayn. "That was perfect," you say over the intercom. He walks back into studio and takes the seat beside you. "Zayn we aren't finished yet," you say preparing the next line of music for him. "Yeah I know, but I felt like we needed a break," he says rolling closer to you. You glance over at him and smile, as his distance from you would make management furious. 

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